Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Today....and such

Every morning I get up I stretch.  Not a lot, but as you get older and your muscles start to atrophe, you just stretch.  I always stretch high, then low and sometimes downward dog (yoga pose).

This morning as I let the dogs out I giggled, because as I met them at the back door, they were both stretching in, you guessed it, downward dog.

Every morning like groundhogs day.  Some days are easier than others, but for some reason, I left the window open (again) and some overly happy birds decided to sit outside and "sing" at 5:30 in the morning.  I really hate waking up an hour before I'm 'supposed' to, because that last hour just makes me more tired and puts me on the 'wrong side of the bed'. 

But, whatever.  Nothing I can do about it now.

Today there is no time to be tired.  I have two meetings and I'm doing a Trader Joes "introduction" to some members.

Crazy huh? 

I just love that store.  It helped change my life.  They need to hire me on as a consultant.  I tell my members about it all the time.

The beauty in that place is it is small and everything you 'need' is right there.  As I am a total "SQUIRREL", I appreciate the focus.

My goal today is to introduce how easy shopping can be when trying to be healthy. 

I'm a grab and go kind of person. Yes, I cook, but for the most part my meals are units that are thrown together.  Though I eat healthy, I'm still pretty lazy and can use all the help I can get.

It should be a fun day!

I'm also excited about this weeks topic; Getting motivated.

Losing weight can get long and boring.  It can fill your head with doubts and it can make you beat yourself up.  Having a topic like todays will hopefully set people straight on their journey.

As it took me almost 2 years to lose 50 lbs, I get it.  And how I held on all that time, I have NO idea!!  But I'm glad I did.  I learned that perseverence does pay off.  I have to eat every day anyways, so why not make better and better choices until they become a part of my life.

In the beginning I feared the changes.  I thought it would change my relationship with my husband and my kids and ruin me (on some level).

But what I found is, though it did change me, it more educated me than anything else.  And now that I am educated, I know how to make better choices.

I really am proud of our program.  It's a whole roadmap as to how one should eat.  Getting there is up to each of us!!

Always good to start.....with a goal!

Happy Tuesday!!

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