Sunday, October 23, 2011

Comfortable in the Un-comfortable!

Something stuck with me yesterday at that conference with Dr. Oz. 

The part where he said: Be comfortable with the uncomfortable.

Too many times we become complacent in our lives; never venturing out.  I think its human nature.  We can't wait to get ourselves into a rut, so we can complain about it.

But we need to venture out in order to grow.

But we don't.

And when we do, we complain, or get scared and shimmy right back into the "known".

I went walking with my mom one day, trying to get her to exercise a bit; and she complained about her hips hurting and how she was out of breath.

I remember feeling this way when I started working out.  So I told her, that the pain gets better the more we "use" our bodies and the breathing will get easier too (mind you she is 70 years old and I was NOT pushing her hard; just a small bit out of her comfort zone).

I sensed that she was almost scared.  Not out of her wits, just, nervous.  As I talked to her more, she seemed to ease a bit; and in the end we accomplished our goal for the day.

Now; she has THAT history to fall back on when she wants to go a little farther.

I remember the first time I went to my friends gym to do boot camp; and she walked me over to the bathroom and said, " case you need to throw up, the bathroom is here!"


Thankfully, I never had to use it, nor ever had the desire, but I have always had the fear that one day I would have to use it.  So as a result, I don't push myself as hard as I probably should.

Sometimes you just have to realize, "you won't die" if you are pushing yourself a bit.  I heard this once, and it resonated with me.  So, when I work out and I'm feeling weak, or I don't want to push myself, I pull out my little mantra "you won't die" and I keep going.

So death!  YAY!

The upside of pushing yourself a bit is that you realize you CAN do it!  And then you feel that joy that goes along with it.  That sense of accomplishment.  And the more you do it, the more you feel it.

The byproduct of that sense of accomplishment is better health....and usually weight loss....

Just sayin'!

Happy Sunday!

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