Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Childhood ideals.....

As a kid, I used to go through my moms closet and her drawers and I used to look at her makeup and imagine the dresses I would grow into and how pretty I would look wearing her clothes.  I guess it's every little girls dream to grow up and be like her mom.

But reality set in; and somehow, electric blue eyeshadow isn't really 'in' anymore, and that pretty dress that I admired is not only out of style and my mothers memory; if she ever kept it for me, I would have grown out of it by 7th grade.

Sometimes life just doesn't turn out like you think it will.  In fact; it rarely ever does!

We have ideals, hopes, dreams...that is what propels us forward.  If we don't have something to look forward to; we're just kind of stuck.

As I look back on my childhood, I can still remember how I felt when I looked at my moms dress.  It was a floral dress (because everything was floral in the 70s) and it had a bright pink top to it.  I was devastated when I realized that my mom, one day got rid of it.  I think I forgot to tell her my hopes for the dress.

Now that I have kids of my own; I think it is cute when they lay claim to my stuff.  But I gotta be drives me NUTS when they go rifling through it all.

Things end up missing; I can't find my brushes (for hair OR makeup).  And this morning when I went to put on my jacket because it was cold downstairs, I remembered watching Aspen wear it up the stairs when she went to bed last night!  Dammit!!!!

I know they think it's cool.  But I have very little control over my own stuff and when I do, infact, remember where I put something, I would really appreciate it if they left it there for my tired brain to find!

I'm not sure what their ideals are; but I'm sure they will start out following me and then veer off into their own path just as I did.  It's pretty much inevitable.

But maybe when they grow up and they ask me......I will remember exacty which dress they wanted, and be able to hand it over to them. 

Whether it actually fits them or not is not my problem!

Happy Wednesday!

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