Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Hibernation and such

I feel like I'm going into hibernation mode.  Mornings are harder to get up, and it's dark by 7ish, so I'm getting tired earlier.  Clearly I have seasonal affective disorder.

Is that funny to you?

I don't see why?  We all have some disorder in our lives.  I know I'm not alone.  The television tells us that we all have issues.  AND they have medications for everything that ails us!

If you can't sit still, you have RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome).
Can't pay attention?  ADD
Hyper and can't pay attention?  ADHD
Nervous all the time?  Anxiety
Having a bad day?  Depression
Having a happy day?  Manic
followed by a mood swing Manic/depressive AKA Bi Polar disorder

It's no wonder we label and judge each other.  Simply put; we have enough information that justifies our every judgement.  So we use them.

See a kid running amuck through a mall and his parents can't get control of him?  Well he MUST have ADD!  Tsk tsk....poor parents.  It couldn't possible be that the parents just don't give a hoot about their kid and their kid knows it.  That is simply poor parenting!

I remember being in Target one day and this woman was all but manhandling their kid (who was maybe 5).  I wanted to intervene, because it looked awful.  But I stopped myself and said almost out loud (I will not judge someone based on 30 seconds of their day).  Because hey...as a mom, I have been there MANY TIMES!!

I remember I was at Walmart once and one of my children had a total meltdown (she was 2).  There was no coming back from this one, so I told her, "if you don't calm down, I'm putting you in your carseat and we are going to sit in the car until Nanna is done shopping".  And...she pushed it. So I (calmly) took my child out, locked her in the car seat with both van doors open and I sat in the car seat waiting for her to calm down.  Just at that time, a guy came to get in his car.  His drivers side was right next to my screaming daughter. 

As he got into the car, we made eye contact.  I could tell by the look on his face that he was judging me HARSHLY.  He wasn't shy at all.  For a moment, I felt guilty.  Then I wanted to kick his *ss for judging me.  Then it hit me.  He has no kids.  Then I felt better.

Unfortunately, they didn't have a medication for me to take at that moment.  The diagnosis of "mother getting through the moment" hasn't hit the shelves yet.  But when it does, I'm sure I'll be elbowing every other mother to get to it first!

Until then, I'll just climb back in bed and chill for a few more minutes until my day forces me to start!

Happy Tuesday

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