Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Passion and insecurities

I just love hindsight!  If I could live in hindsight before it became hindsight, I probably would.......

Last night I was watching an episode of Friends and it took me back to when I was dating Chris.

He was in college, and I was working at the college.  That is how we met.  He had his group of friends as this was his final year as a student. 

When we met, I was a little shy.  Or shall I say pretty insecure.  I considered his friends "his" friends and I felt a bit like an intruder.  Every Thursday night he would go to watch Friends with his friends.  I was a little jealous by this.  Though he invited me to go, I didn't want to intrude, so I stayed back, angry that he "left" me.

Fast forward almost 2 decades and I see it from a whole other "seasoned" angle.

What he did was healthy.  Going with his friends, letting me wallow in my pity.  There were times he wouldn't go, but there were times he did. 

It's so funny to look back and see yourself and think, "wow....what conversation could I have with that girl now!"

One thing he did tell me when we started dating was that music is was and always will be a part of his life.  He said it in no uncertain terms and I thought "Wow....what a jerk!"

But fast forward, I see what he meant.  Many of his friends had relationships with girls that got in the way of what they loved and transformed their future.  And not in a happy way!

We all need to be who we are and do what we love!  NOT what someone else* wants.  (*kids under 18, listen to your parents!)

If we go with the assumption that we only get one shot at this life; what good is it if you give it and all its control to someone else (aside from God of course). 

I do believe it is our destiny to figure out what our unique offering is to this life.  True, life sometimes gets in our way and we veer off course, but if you are literally giving it away to someone else, you are really shortchanging yourself.

I'm thankful that my husband was a bit of a jerk, because in all honesty, if I took his music from him "by request" (and stronghold), our relationship might be one full of resentment and anger and disdain.

And trust me when I say relationships are hard enough without added consequence!

So as I watched Friends last night, I had a moment of gratitude.  I'm thankful my husband had his own friends, and I'm thankful he was strong enough in his resolve to protect his passion.

Don't let anyone steal your passion or your vision.  It's yours.

Happy Wednesday!

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