Sunday, October 2, 2011

Mountains of yesteryear

Yesterday was a pretty busy day. 
We put everything off until "later".  Well, yesterday, "later" came, and I met it with a vengeance.

Though I'm doing better at hitting more things as they come, it amazed me how much stuff I left in the garage just waiting for a decision.

It's way easier to tackle someone else's 'stuff' because it is easier to toss when you have no emotional attachment.

Thankfully, yesterday I was detached.  I was on a mission and had mountains in front of me, and a time constraint to deal with.  My kids, however weren't on the same timeline as me.  Funny how that happens.

As I opened old bags and boxes sifting through the stuff of yesteryear, they dawdled around looking at this and that and picking out things they wanted to keep, as if shopping in our garage.

We were clearly on different missions.

I sent them off so I could make most executive decisions, but when they would come in and spot something 'interesting' (usually slotted for the DONATE pile) it took me a few minutes of negotiating every time!

Weren't they supposed to be helping?

I could tell by the boxes that some of these things had been out here for years.  That is good in most cases, because you have already detached, but every so often, an item would come out and I would have to take a moment.  I revisited many memories yesterday, but did it quickly.  I had a goal and a deadline and I didn't have wiggle room!

My goal was met - for the most part.  I still have mountains of stuff to go through; and without a goal, it is going to be hard to get motivated like that again.  All my procrastinations and indecision's staring me in the face.

I wanted to go through more, but ran out of time.  I am proud of what I accomplished.  About 7 boxes of donations and 5 bags of trash gone.  WHEW.....that was great.

Unfortunately, that kind of motivation, determination, and vigor only meet every so often.  Like the planets in the sky only align once in a blue moon.

However, if I can hold on to that feeling of accomplishment, I may be able to stir some of it up again and finish the whole job!  All I have to find the time!

Happy Sunday!

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