Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sleep....or not

I am trying to get motivated to write something this morning, but my brain is having a hard time gearing up.

I was at a 40th birthday party last night and we left about 9:30 to pick up the kids because this morning, they were getting picked up at 4:30am for the Disney CHOC walk.

Hubby stayed downstairs and set his alarm so he could wake them up as I have a photo session this morning.  Yet when I walked down stairs at 4:15, he was surprised to see me. 

I told him I wanted to stay asleep, but when anyone moves around the house, my brain goes on high alert and I have to see what is going on.  I also realized that my daughter will be too tired to remember to bring her camera and I had to make sure she had it, because I wanted to see the pictures.

This is something that I don't think he gets.  When you have kids; your world changes on every level, especially sleep.

It starts in the early stages of pregnancy when you are doing bathroom runs 6 times a night; and then works its way through to the major discomfort of sleeping at all just before the baby is born, which then graduates you out of ever getting a good nights sleep again.

My husband says I can hear an ant on the window in the middle of the night and that I can count when each of its feet hits the glass.

This may be true.  And though I was bad before children, I am now at a level 10 at all times.

Can you imagine a child waking up in the middle of the night with the flu, and the parents sleep right through it?  I know some do; but it doesn't happen in this house.  And though my husband makes fun of me; from the earliest days of our marriage; when I would wake up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, he would bounce up and ask; "Are you okay?"

And more often than not; he is by the girls' side before I am in the middle of the night grabbing buckets or water or whatever is needed. 

So though it is a bummer that I was up between 4 and 5 and never really got back to sleep, I will be anxious to see my daughters pictures and hear about the lovely time they had walking with their dance team through Disneyland with all their friends.

I can sleep another day!

Happy Sunday!

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