Thursday, October 27, 2011

Stuff....just stuff

This morning as I am eating breakfast, I look down at my table and see a few big "new" scratches in it.  They are deep, as though someone put effort into it.  I'm instantly set off in the way my parents would be when they found something marred or broken in their house!

It amazes me the level of oblivion kids live in!  Totally unaware of scratches and scrapes they create by mindless toiling!

Immediately upon stating my disdain, I hear a "not me" flying out of the mouth of my youngest.   Of course she didn't do it.  And if I ask my older daughter, I know she didn't do it either. 

As a child the Family Circus had a comic strip and there was a ghost that ran around in a sheet with "Not Me" written on it.  I didn't realize that ghost was real and lives in my house!  But I guess it does.

I knew a long time ago, that while you have children in your house, it is not really worth it to own anything that you put much value in.  Either that, or training them "no touch" and all but beating them when they go near!

And since I don't find value in buying something we can't touch, I suffer to consequences of their oblivion every day!

As my car is barely a few months old; it already has scratches in the upholstery....or shall I say Leather!

As I was doing carpool one day, I picked up one of the kids who had a music instrument in a metal case, which, you guessed it; made contact with my brand new car.  As he was getting in, he hit my car with his metal case.  I all but came out of my skin!

But then I am constantly reminded of's all just "stuff".  Not that it shouldn't be taken care of; but I have to realize I need to put my value in things that really count!

When I bought my very first car all by myself, with no help from anyone; it was a very proud day.  I couldn't have been more excited and more full of myself and my purchase.  I worked really hard for it.  And within two months; that car was keyed down the drivers side......all....the....way.....

As I couldn't afford to get it fixed, the key marks stayed.

I realized then that how much you pay for something is not directly proportional to how sturdy and "safe" it will be.  Bottom line is; it's all the same.  It can all break, or be trashed by some oblivious human being at any moment.  And the more stock you put in it and the more valuable it becomes in your mind, the more vulnerable it is and the more something else suffers in your life!

I am angry about my table, because we are stuck with it for a while.  My heart is sad that the one major purchase we have made in recent years is reduced to a kids cutting table and a ghost named "Not Me" is to blame.

I'm not saying there won't be hell to pay when I find this little ghost....but at least my kids are healthy and thriving.

Happy Thursday

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