Thursday, October 20, 2011

Girfriends and Giving

Yesterday I got volunteered to go to a food drive. 
I say I "got" volunteered, because I usually get dragged in by my friends.  And I'm totally okay with it.  I'm more of a follower than a leader, depending on who you ask.

All my life I have surrounded myself with strong women.  Usually women I admire greatly.  This was instinctual from an early age.  I didn't idealize my mom as much as I idealized these women.

No offense to my mom.  But as I grew, I noticed women around me and usually found characteristics that I was attracted to and then kind of latched on.  It was always effortless; friendships with them were always easy.  I would say I'm still friends today with most of them.

Life isn't easy and you are more often than not left scratching our heads at how to get through it.  I am thankful to have these "guides" all through my life.  They have formed me in who I am and I have no regrets.

So, as I was vounteered yesterday, I didn't mind, because my friends know that I'm happy to go along with them!  Most of us are hard-pressed to give up our time to do something, but when we do it together, it's that spoonful of sugar that helps the medicine go down.

As we got there, we were to sort food that was donated. Only, by the time we got there, they had finished up.  Yay!  Or not..........

Donations have been so low this year, it leaves one scratching their heads as to what is going on.  And the answer is clear.  We just don't have as much to donate.  Therefore......I get to go home.

At Weight Watchers I saw the same thing happen.  We just finished a campaign to feed the hungry.  In years past, the donations were overflowing, and sometimes had to have a mid-campaign pick up, because the food was getting in our ways. 

This year......not even close.

It makes it hard to get joyful to go into the holiday season knowing people are in need and it begs the question.....what can I do?  What needs to be done?

Not that I am ANY better off than these people, because we, too have had some reconciliations in recent years.  Two girls in dance, braces, new is almost optional at this point.

But this isn't about me. This is about a vast array of people and the effects of the economy.  That weighs heavy on my shoulders, because just a few months ago, I felt like things were getting better.  I was hearing more stories of people getting jobs and recovery happening.

However....just like a cut on your takes time to heal from the effects.  Which is where we are.  I get that!  But it doesn't make me happy.

I am once again, grateful for all I have.  My guides who have helped build me up; my family who sustains me, and thankful for God, watching over us and keeping us safe!

And if you feel the need (or even if you don't)....please donate!

Happy Thursday!

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