Saturday, October 8, 2011


Funny how the thought of sleeping in is so great.  Yet when I do it, I wake up and feel like I just lost a chunk of my day.  And now that the girls' dance schedules have been scaled back; Saturdays are for relaxing!  And catching up on house stuff.  Which I guess isn't exactly relaxing, but it is more than we had last year. 

It is almost weird to wake up on a Saturday and realize we don't have to rush anywhere.  Which almost puts me into lazy mode of "oh we have nothing to do" and therefore nothing gets done.   But Saturdays need to be organized as well.  This is the time we need to take advantage of our "free" time and put it to good use. 

My kids are still very argumentative when it comes time to cleaning and I get very frustrated when they ask, "Why should IIIIIIIII do that?" 

I have found myself literally backing down from them at times due to fatigue.  While other times I am calm and just stare at them and say, "I'm not arguing with you and if you want me to scream at you,  then keep arguing".  It's so exhausting at times.

I met with a couple this past week with teenagers.  I keep hearing horror stories about the teen years and I wonder if my parents ever felt the same way.  I think most of the time, my parents were just unaware (blissfully so) of the trials and tribulations of their kids, because they were so busy working.  It's much more complicated when you know ALL the details of their lives. 

As I listened to this mom talk about how her child was completely remiss in the responsibilities of her life and kept falling back on others to catch her, I saw the frustration in her moms face as she shook her head in bewilderment that these acts from this child came from her!

And it made me realize (as I reflected on my own childhood) that kids need to test their boundaries and push a little more and a little more to see how flexible their world is.  It's truly a healthy place to be.  Just not always convenient for those around them. 

I remember trying to push the limits with my own stupid acts.  I remember feeling invincible - that nothing could ever hurt me.  I also remember being depressed like in a black hole and nothing could save me.  It was a very volatile time.  Yet necessary.  I look back and think to myself.....WOW...the DRAMA!!!!

I know I have to look forward to that too someday.  However, for today, I need to focus on the little things like chores and responsibilities around the house and how their actions impact us here.

And when I think about that mom with her teenage girl and those issues.  Suddenly my issues are minor by comparison.

A nicer perspective I think I will sit with for now.

Happy Saturday!

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