Saturday, June 30, 2012

Dizzy again???

I am blogging from my bed.  Very attractive, I know, but it's all I got.  I will remain here for as long as possible before I go and shoot the dance event.

Crazy thing; I have had this before, but I am bewildered at how quickly it comes on.

Last night at the show, I was running around, frantically looking for one of my missing children.  I hadn't seen her in a few hours and wasn't sure where she went.  As I went to every location, and didn't see her, I started freaking out more and more.  Panic is a terrible thing!!!

Finally, after quite a while of looking, I found her.  She had made her way outside.

And in an instant; I became "That Mom"......

You know...the one who yells at her kid in public?  Yes...that was me!!!  I was so freaking out that I couldn't find my child that I started losing control.  And by the time I found her, I had no control left.

I knew the second I grabbed her away from the grandparents that I was going to make a spectacle of myself.  And still, I did nothing to stop it. 

I REALLY hate being 'that' person.  And I work REALLY hard not to be.  But in this case, I just couldn't cope.

After I yelled at her, she ran over and snuggled into grandpa and started crying!  Yay me! (not really).  Now I'm feeling the effects of my actions.

But at that moment, I started feeling something else..... woozie!!!  (or in my case....Wooooooozie....)

I knew instantly what has happening.  I sat down and prayed to God it wasn't so....but it was.


The last time I had this, I was bedridden for THREE DAYS!!!  It is such a scary feeling.  It's like a really bad form of being drunk.  Like mixing alcohol drunk.

Only no 'drink' involved.

Thankfully, and by the grace of God, we had an extra driver, so I asked my mom to drive me home!  (you never outgrow your mom!)

I came home and went straight to bed.

I woke up this morning, no better.   I'm holding walls to walk straight.  It's really awful.

I have been prescribed stuff for this before, but being a non drug taker (to the best of my ability), I never had the prescriptions filled.  The short sidedness of my wisdom didn't allow it.  And here I am.

I sent Chris to the store to get me Bonine.  I will take it if it gets really bad.

This time around I can at least walk.  Not well, but it's better than nothing.

I have to sit for 8 hours and shoot a recital.  I really have NO time for this.   Unfortunately, illness chooses us, we don't choose it.

Thankfully, I will be sitting the whole time.  I will do my best to not move.  I have faith that I will get through this.

Tomorrow is the second run through of the moms dance.  If I don't improve, there is no way I can dance.  (unless I switch with the lady who falls....)

I'm very thankful for all the support I have gotten.  People continue to amaze me with their kind words and offerings of help.   It warms my heart and gives me faith in humanity.

Here's to looking through a lens without getting sick!

Happy Saturday!

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