Saturday, June 16, 2012

Well, last night was a doozie.....  which explains my later than usual post.  No, I'm not "JUST" getting up.  I have been up for a bit, made french toast, ate breakfast in the back yard and just sat down to my desk.  I have pre-occupied looking through last nights photos.

Yesterday was an eventful day.  I started out with Aspen's school, being a chaperone for their field trip to Discovery science center.  Happily, I found out when I got there that one of my besties signed up too.  So we had fun!  Until we got there! 

Imagine it....4 classrooms, 4 buses and enough kids to fill every last bus.  Imagine, if you will.....the noise!  Oh, and you'll be happy to know, the smell of buses hasn't changed a bit over the decades.  Still smells like feet!

Each chaperone got assigned 5-10 kids.  I had 6, one of which was my very own.  Lucky for her, she had one of her besties with her.  The other kids I had never met before, save one, who as a Reilly student.

As we took the bus ride over, I chatted with two of the moms.   The kids chatted amongst themselves and they were so far, well behaved.  When we got there, we walked across the street to the park and let the kids run rampant for an hour.  They ate and played.  It was fun to watch.  I brought my camera, so I snapped a few shots.  And in fine fashion, a few aspiring models latched on to me and asked me to take pictures of them.  I snapped a few and sent them on their way.  How cute is that?

After lunch, we went to the "Big Cube" as Avery calls it, and we filed in.   Every last one of us.  They had it pretty well organized, but I just couldn't see the wisdom in bringing these kids here.  They seem kind of ...... well..... old!  The discovery science center is a great place for discovery, but the older the kids get, the less time it takes them to absorb what they are seeing.  So if they were left to their own devices, they would have been out of there in an hour.  But we were 'obliged' if you will, for closer to 3 hours.

We got through it all and headed back to school.  On the way back the kids started singing a song and soon all chimed in.  Then they forgot the words and it was over as quick as it started.  It was nice to have a day with my middle schooler, especially since I haven't even been to her school other than the first weeks, picking up her stuff.

After school was over, we went  home, grabbed her stuff and dropped her off at dance.  (Avery was taken care of by Grandma).

After that, I had to b-line it to Anaheim for my very good friends' FIFTIETH birthday!  Yikes....  To hear that she is turning 50 blows my mind.  I have known her since I was 14 (or so) and I just cannot believe how fast time goes.  Not to mention she looks no where near her age!!!  (because if she looks HER age...then I look MY age...and that just cannot happen!!!

We went to the Ranch in Anaheim.  I had never been there before and had no idea what to expect.  I almost passed the place  by, because it looks like a hotel or something.  It looked very 'corporate'. 

When we went in, I was impressed.  It's a nice looking place.  Nice stage, nice dance floor,  you name it.  I found Tammy and Craig right away. And then I dressed Tammy up in her feather boa, a party hat and a flashing button that said, "I'm 5o!"  (i am so getting payback for that, I know!)  We started drinking and dancing and having a good time!!

It's so amazing this ride called life.  You spend your early years hoping to hurry up and pass by, your middle years in a fog, and your older years wondering what the hell happened!!! 

But when you fill your life with special friends and family and you appreciate the gifts we have, it can be a much sweeter ride.

Tammy has been in my life since I was 14.  She dated my brother and it didn't work out.  I don't know the details, and I don't care, because it had nothing to do with me.  All I know is when I met her, we had this connection and despite the fact that my dad thought she was too old to be my friend (7 years my senior), I could not help feeling I needed her in my life.

I'm glad I fought the fight, because in my life she has been my friend, my mother, my sister and an aunt to my children (one of which I swear is hers, because they have the same coloring!)

We have been at each others weddings, and even been to support each other in the passing of our fathers.  We have been through a lot together and I am forever grateful to have her in my life!!!  She comforts me when I need it and she sets me straight when I'm being an idiot!!  She isn't my sister by blood, she is my sister by choice!!! 

I love you Tammy  and I'm so thankful for you in my life!!!

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