Friday, June 15, 2012

Oops I did it again.....

I should have said no.......

Not that I mind volunteering.... but I should have said no!

Aspen asked me to be a chaperone on a field trip for her class.  I thought, "no big deal.... go for it."

Backlash..... I didn't think two steps ahead and here I am scrambling to find someone to pick up Avery and get her to dance as she gets out earlier than Aspen.  Thank God Chris asked me what was going on.  He's the yin to my yang sometimes (ok....more often than not!). 

I'm so not one to think things through and plan properly.  It's exhausting to scramble.  You'd think I'd be good at it by now.  ...... you'd think.....

People have strengths and weaknesses.  My weakness is definitely organization....  And thinking things through.

I got a fancy calendar on my phone and it's been pretty great.... when I look at it and input stuff.  But many times I agree to things on the fly and forget, completely, to actually document it!  DOH!!!!

Definitely gotten better....but you are talking to a girl who forgot to invite her own Mother to Mother's Day Brunch until the day before! 

I wonder what it is that is a complete disconnect for me.  I can't think beyond what I need to do for me!!!  That sounds selfish I'm sure, but truth is, I'm not sure my brain is capable of more than that at times.  It really bothers me.  I don't remember always being this bad, I think it's gotten way worse since I've had kids!!!  (if I blame THEM....then it's not ME....right???)

I've decided I need an personal assistant to follow me around in life to tidy up my messes.
Someone with an organized brain who thinks things through. 

Funny thing is, most people I surround myself with, are exactly that!  Chris, Julie, many of my girlfriends!  They are all super organized....  like to the "nth" degree!!  And they are forgiving of my "Squirrel" tendencies which is great!!!

Isn't that great that I have people around me to help me when I'm flailing....

More often than not, it works in my favor.  However, there are times I see how bad I am compared to them, and I can't help wondering if I have had a stroke somewhere in my life that I can't recall that makes me this way!

Now, I'm not totally down on myself, I just get frustrated at times.  Just to get by is hard enough...but to scramble all the time is a bit exhausting!!

Thankfully, my today (and weekend) is covered.  However, this weekend I have had a glitch happen.  It wasn't totally  my fault, I did what I was supposed to do....but I didn't get the details right.  So, I have a feeling someone is going to be REALLY mad at me, and I'm not looking forward to it at all..... 

But that blog entry is for another day....  I think I will title it "Backlash"....
Coming to a blog near you....

Happy Friday

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