Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Starting off on the wrong foot

Morning isn't going so smooth. 
Last night didn't go so smooth either....

Ever have days where no matter what you say, it is received or responded to wrong?  Communication is  No matter what you say, there is no recovery whatsoever?

I'm almost to the point of "why bother".

Ever been there?

Everybody is busy in this house.  Dance, school work, work, and work, meetings and more work......

There are times that schedules just sort of overtake the house.  And the house gets grumpy.  Okay...not the house....but the people in the house.  Even the dogs.  (the don't say it...but I see the look in their eyes).

As my morning started out with attitude from family members, I'm ready to call it a day and go back to bed.  Only all the orders I have waiting for me would sit and I would have to work twice as fast next time I sat down.  And then someone would come to me with an immediate need and I would be screwed so to speak, and have to put things off longer.

There are no options here.  I hate when there are no options....

I also hate starting the day off like this.  It seems to set the tone for the day.

Though I speak like I'm a victim, I do realize I have a choice in all this.  I can choose to be happy, or I can choose to wallow in this sludge of emotions.  And as I don't really feel like wallowing today,  I will take my music player upstairs, put on my favorite playlist and get through my day singing.  I may even put on my Minnie Mouse ears to lift me up a bit!  Why not, right?  No one will see me!  (although my public declaration will give one plenty to laugh at me, but that's okay).

There is nothing I can do about this mornings interaction.  But I can choose how the rest of my day goes (with no one here). 

I'm definitely taking advantage of the quiet of the house and I'm going to get my stuff done. (and do my best to avoid human interaction)

And that is that!

Happy Wednesday

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