Wednesday, June 13, 2012

C'mon People......Really!!!

People are weird!

Sometimes I sit back and watch and scratch my head.  And being my fathers daughter it's very hard to bite my tongue (as most of you know!)

I was shopping at Trader Joes the other day.  It's a very small grocery store that has everything I need.  I just love it!  As I pull in,  I don't want to fight the people walking in and out of the store, so I immediately go to the back of the parking lot.   The parking lot is proportional to the store.....SMALL......

So why is it, that darned near EVERY TIME I go there, I see a car waiting for someone to pull out so they can get the closest spot??  What is the rationale of this??  Are they afraid they have to walk 5 or 10 more steps?  What would happen then?  A few more ounces of ACTIVITY???  God help us all if that happens!!
The other day I was at Costco and I swear to you, the woman was waiting for a spot, when there was a spot only TWO SPACES BACK ready to be parked in......  I SO badly wanted to walk up to her car and tap on her window and just ask what the heck??  REALLY LADY???  And wait she did.....until she realized this guy wasn't going anywhere soon.  At which point she begrudgingly took the other "less appealing" spot!  She wasted a good 3 minutes of her life to save herself 10 steps...... 

It isn't just parking spots either.  There are so many times I pay for my groceries at Traders and as I walk out, I'm met with a cluster of carts that have just been left!!!  It's almost as if someone yelled FIRE and the carts were ditched in their spots.  They are piled around each other and blocking the exit to the store. 

Someone PLEASE tell me how hard it is to bank a quick left and give it a little extra push to merge the carts together (they are, after all made for quick and compact storage).  Yet they are left there for someone else (usually me) to deal with. 

Yesterday, as I was going through my now "Trader Joes Exit strategy" a woman commiserated with me and helped me tidy up the spot!  I did tell her I'm not perfect, that I'm not against parking my "used" cart on a curb when in a hurry......  She laughed and agreed that she is the same...  But still..that is a little different than pushing something two extra feet with a small amount of effort.

How did we get so stinking lazy???  I'm sure most would put it under the veil of "too busy" or "in a hurry"....but what I witness takes more time out of our day than anything else!!!   And the fact that we don't even exert ourselves in the smallest of ways is just a little embarrassing.

Maybe I'm being a bit self righteous here, but these last few days have been pretty blatant displays that blow my mind!!

I'm a bit disappointed at times as I feel we are becoming so self-absorbed that we can't take a second to think about what is right.

This past weekend a little girl from the studio came up to me and boasted about how she is getting an Iphone when she gets to the next grade.  Poor thing told the wrong person!!!  I fired off at her and told her I don't give a darn about her "STUFF".... I would much rather hear that she helped an old lady across the street.  That her "STUFF" is robbing her of character.   I told her come back to me and tell me when she did a good deed and I would be all over that! 

Then a few of the other kids gathered and I gave them a lecture about being good PEOPLE!!! 

I do appreciate when "Stuff" makes our lives easier....  But I don't want to hear your list of "stuff".  I don't care what car you drive, I care about character.  When someone donates time to spend with kids, or people in need that is what I care about.

The child seemed slightly phased by my words.  And to be honest, I felt a little bad.  But she got my point.  And when she gets her Iphone, I'm sure it will  be tucked away tightly when in my presence!

I don't know why I felt the need to go off on this today.  But I just feel like we are losing something as a society and a country.  And it makes me sad!

Care just a little more this week.....  I don't care about what.  Just ...... Care....

Happy Wednesday

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