Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Jazz and Jewelry.....

Last night Aspen had an extra half hour of practice for one of her classes.  During that time I was invited to a jewelry party by a friend.  She made it clear that I didn't have to buy anything, and I was grateful.  I can pretty much tell you our extra income in the last month has gone toward dance items.

I showed up to the party and was greeted by my friend who introduced me to all who came.  She's so funny, because she is a natural at entertaining.  Her house was set up with appetizers at every corner.

I didn't know that many people there.  As a matter of fact, none of them.  I was familiar with her family members, but the rest were new to me. 

As she introduced us all, we were a diverse group.  Friends, family, school, dance, etc.  Everyone was really nice, and the energy in the room was high.

My friend handed me a glass of wine and invited me to go shopping (or not...she really didn't care, she just wanted everyone together).

I LOVE jewelry.   There was a lot of great stuff there.  Most of it was out of my price range.  I  tend to lose jewelry, so I tend to 'not' invest too much.  I wear it for a purpose, and when I'm done, I'm done.  Which could mean I'm in the car and I'm done...which means it will sit in my car until I clean it out.  And if you know me....it could be a while.

So as I'm walking around looking at all the jewelry, I'm very cautious not to fall in love.

I tend to get overwhelmed when a lot of stuff is in front of me, so I decided to sit down and thumb through the catalog.  Surely there is some small trinket I could indulge in.

But as I thumbed through, I looked at the prices.....and started equating them with dance products. 

This is how you know dance has taken over your life.

I looked at a small pair of earrings and thought, "Oh, well that's a leotard".  And I saw a necklace and the price was the same as a pair of jazz shoes (which I have purchased THREE pairs in the last week, so I know what I'm talking about!)

When I realized there was nothing I really "NEEDED" from the jewelry party, I did what I do best.  I people watched!!!

I love people.  We are such an eclectic bunch.

Each of these ladies was very well put together.  Even in their casual attire.  They were pleasant and communicative.  It was so fun to see the 'other' side of my friends life.  I only know her as a dance mom.

It was clear that she is loved.  The room was full!  She smiled as she talked with everyone, she's so cute!

I chatted with one of her friends and then her sister.  We had a nice time.

I only had an hour to visit.  And though I wanted to find something, I couldn't justify a purchase at this time.  But I was there more for the visit anyways.

I got back to dance in time to see the run through of Aspens dance.  It's coming along.  I love to watch her teacher as he runs through the dance with them.  He is so passionate about what he does.  That just bleeds to the kids. 

All in all, it was a nice night. 

There is just over a week of school left.  I'm looking forward to a few more nights where I can sit and visit with friends.  It's definitely time, don't you think??

Happy Tuesday!

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