Monday, June 25, 2012

Great Sunday

Well, it's Monday, and back to the grind.  The list is waiting (to be created that is) and I need to scurry.
It's Recital week.   And I am changing things up a bit, which means, I need to to a little more work to get everything to come together.
I'm so glad I had this weekend to relax a bit.  I really needed it and it's going to be a while before I get one of those again.

You know, I have really found the value in enjoying as many moments in the day as I can.
Yesterday, I got to go out with my hubby.  For like, a date!  Because it's been like, forever!  He actually chose one of my favorite places; Coyote Grill.

It's in Laguna Beach, and though it's not 'on' the water, you can see the water and that is good enough for me.  It's a quaint little place and as far back as I can tell, the same people are working there.

I love it because it's little and I can always get in without a wait because I go at off-peak times.

Well, let me tell you, Sunday at noon is not an off peak time.  So we waited a little bit.  I don't mind waiting, because I'm a people watcher.

My husband is not.

BUT, they had a TV and soccer was on, so all's good with the world.  He got to see what he wanted, and I got to see what I wanted.

When we finally sat down, I looked around at the people out on the patio.  I realized that often when I go somewhere I look for familiar faces.  And sometimes I find them.  But if I don't see a familiar face, I find familiarity in the people I see.  And sometimes I make up stories about who they are.

I guess it helps pass the time.

So yesterday, I shared the stories with my husband.  And he listened....and then I'm sure he thought I was a loon.  But that's okay.  He's stuck with me, and now he's had a moment in my head.  A place I'm sure he's glad he doesn't have to visit often.

I don't know why I feel the need to do that.  It's not conscious.  It's just something I have alwyas done.  I think it makes me feel more comfortable about my surroundings.  And to realize how much we are all the same in so many respects in life.  It also helps to pass the time as there are always people anywhere I'm waiting.  Whatever floats your boat, right??

Lunch was great.  I ordered shrimp tacos and Chris ordered Chilaquiles.  Never had those before but they looked good.

After lunch we drove up PCH to Aliso Creek Beach.  I wanted to see how busy it was.  It was bustling with people and parties and picnics and even campfires!  Who knew?  Campfire at noon.

On the way home we stopped at Whole Foods in Aliso Viejo.  Have you ever SEEN that place??  It's got a restaurant, a coffee place a cheese place all rolled into one.  ( did I mention Gelato??)

As hubby had an agenda, I decided to wander the place.  I  picked up what I needed, found the coffee and gelato, ordered me up one of each and sat down to people watch.  My coffee was super hot, so I decided to blend some of my espresso gelato in there.  Next thing you know, I was having a dessert coffee.  It was actually quite yummy.

As I watched the "Whole Foods Gang" wander around, I couldn't help but think so many of them looked like "wholesome" folks.  You they used to call hippies in the sixties?  Only now, it seems to have become a more acceptable place in life.  Either that or I'm just at an age where I don't judge and don't care.

Their dress was simple, they had their recycle bags in hand, not much effort on their appearance, and they looked calm and relaxed.  I found pleasure in making up stories about their lives.  They were easy targets.

As our trip came to a close, we headed home.  I wanted just a few minutes to relax before I had to head out to dance practice.  Our date was over......

It was a really nice day.  Practice was awesome and I am loving bonding with these amazing woman who's children I have watched grow over the years.

The day ended with dinner at our house.  My mom wasn't here, so it was just me, Chris, Julie and the girls.  For dinner we had an array of cheeses, melon, prosciutto, salami, cucumbers, and bread.  On the side Chris made a Pasta Carbonara (I think).  It was all delicious.  The problem with Cheese is when to say when.  For me, lets just say I'll be eating a LOT of salad these next few days.  But with no regrets.  The dinner was a fabulous change from what we usually have.

It was a great day!!!  I'm thankful for the moments in my life where I feel complete joy.  And to be honest, most of yesterday WAS complete joy.  I will have to remember that as I'm hustling and bustling this week.....

There is a lot to do, and precious short time to get ready for it.

Here's to hoping you find many moments of joy through the week.  If you don't see it....look for it.
It's anywhere you want it to be.

Happy Monday

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