Friday, June 8, 2012

Costumes and Picture day.....

Friday.  Thank you God for letting me get here.  It's been quite a week.  As much as I would like to say I get to relax this weekend; it's picture day and I have two girls with 6 costumes, many of which need to be sewn or altered.  So far it doesn't look like much.  But I gotta say, every time I have to alter a dress, shoe, sock, headpiece or tight....I REALLY appreciate those dance teachers!

There have been so many times I have heard them say, "This weekend I will be home adding six million rhinestones to an otherwise plain costume".  (Okay, the don't say it exactly like that, but you get my point.

I saw one of the girl's costumes for competition and I about fell over when I saw her FISHNETS blinged at every criss cross.

Do you know that the ratio of holes to fabric is about 3 to 1 in favor of the HOLES???  I heard the process of getting these things blinged and I gotta say it was sheer brilliance.  They used a leg form and wax paper (to be easily removed from the glue) and carefully dabbed each corner with glue and then adhered the rhinestone. 

I'm thinkin' NO PROBLEM!!!  (as long as I have a bottle of wine and 50 of my closest friends with the smallest hands ever to help me).

Every year at this time it's something.  Either the costume needs to be tacked, or glued or slightly altered.  Thankfully for me, my alterations have been very minimal.  I get more wound up trying to make sure we have all the correct components for each costume.

Last year, I was so proud of myself, because I had every costume labeled with the girls' names, and each costume had a ziploc bag filled with their tights and accessories as well as the paper that states how their hair is to be worn.  (Because it is usually different for every dance).  This way, back stage, whomever is helping with the costumes will have it all laid out in front of them with NO chance for error!!!

Well, this year, I think I will go one step further....I will take pictures of each girl in each of their costumes ( made up as they are supposed to be) and laminate that and have it with their costumes.

Why go to the bother??  Well, last year after the first dance, all my efforts were dashed when the girls (who run frantically backstage getting undressed for one and redressed for the next dance) haphazardly tossed all their "stuff" (because that is what it's all become now) into their bag (or shall I say CRAMMED....because that is what it really looked like), and all that was left were empty baggies floating in the wind....  (*heavy sigh*).......

I do give them credit, for no matter how they tossed my efforts aside, we got through every last recital cast with costumes completely in tact.  Now THAT's a professional!!!

And as for those fishnets with the bling....I'm thankful that isn't in my costume list.  Because if it were my kid wearing those and she accidently snagged them and we had to start over....I might consider trading in my kid..... 

They do make them cute for a reason, don't they???

Happy Friday!

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