Friday, June 29, 2012

Summer Veg

I'm outta my vanilla syrup for my coffee...and I'm outta salad....and snacks...and veggies.

Thank God for Grandma stopping by and doing my dishes, because I have had no time to do much of anything but sit at my computer.

This morning we ran out of milk (cuz I wanted cereal, that's why) and now a trip to the store is imperative before the girls get up and run through the house like crazy people yelling at me because there is no milk!!!

Tonite is day 4.

I woke up this morning feeling "rode hard and put away wet!" (horse term, don't like your minds wander).  I'm looking pretty ragged and my shoulders are starting to talk to me.  By the end of the week they will be full-blown screaming and I'm sure a massage is in my very near future.

So funny to think we are in summer.  I'm totally NOT in summer mode.  And to be honest, I am thinking it may start for us  around July 10 or 11......  After Nationals.

But then the girls will have summer dance classes to take, so I will still have a  bit of a schedule, but.... I guess that's just life, huh?

Waiting for that next break!

I have a ton of projects to finish; all require me sitting at my desk.

I need to create that summer schedule so I can get everything done.

Does anyone else live this way??  Too many tasks and not enough hours in the day to complete??? 

Well, I'm okay with it; as long as I can finish my stuff.  I have two wedding albums to complete and I know some day I would like to do a few personal albums of my own kids with my own pictures that have yet to leave my computer!! 

Maybe during my vacation, I can bring my laptop and start "playing".  But is working on my laptop with pictures considered a vacation?  Well.... I guess I will have to see!!

I just remember, I started reading a book recently, and I put it down as dance rehearsals started and it feels like weeks since I have read it!  I can't wait to dig in again!!

So, tonite is our Moms dance.  We will hit the stage for recital, and I'm just a little nervous.  There are some parts I'm not hitting like I would like.  But as I'm not 'professional' and I don't dance a million hours a week, I will have to be happy with whatever performance I can throw out there!  I just hope I remember the steps.. ...  ....   .. . . .   LOL

If you are a friend of mine and I haven't seen you or talked to your recently.... I miss you! 

I do have plans to veg at the lake this summer.  If anyone wants to join me, let me know.  Maybe we can make a party day of it.  (who doesn't love a good party by the water?)

But until then, I'll be dancing...either in front of the camera or behind.

I'll look forward to doing "the veg" really soon!

Happy Friday!!!  (I had to think about what day it was....)

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