Sunday, July 15, 2012

Weekend fun

A day to myself.....  How will I use it???
Actually, it's already planned for me and I'm already behind, because I slept in until 9!  When does that ever happen?  Hasn't happened for a while.

Chris went to take some boys to the movies; Chris' mom is coming to pick up the girls for a shopping trip and I will be firmly planted at my computer.

Who works on the weekends???  I DO!! Especially when there is no one hounding me to get them this, or do that or make me food...... 

I will have a very productive week, as I have no kids M-F from 9-4.  Super excited about that.

I have had a lot of things thrown my way this past week, but they are fun summer things so I have said YES!!!  I promised my kids a good summer and so far, I'm surprised at what they have chosen.  Mostly dance.

Thankfully, I have the schedule to take them anytime and anywhere.  It's so nice not having to juggle who's picking up whom at what time....  You know what I mean???

But today it's a bit more down to business for me.  The clock is ticking and I have many things on my plate, so that will be my day.

The girls are still in bed as yet.  It's almost 10am.  What a treat for them.  I remember sleeping my weekends away when I was a kid.

I don't know why it makes me feel just a little uncomfortable when they sleep in so late.  The house is quiet and it's actually pretty nice.  But something inside me feels a little off when they aren't up at nearly 10.

That said, I'm still letting them least for another 30.  Because after that, they will have to get up and get ready to go with Grandma. 

My first order of business after my blog is to get this smokey smell out of my hair.  We did s'mores last night and I sat in the thick of the smoke. 

Have you ever had a peanut butter cup S'more before??  No the little ones....but the BIG Reese's cups.  The peanut butter helps cut the sweetness....... absolutely yummy!!!

My second order of business is sign up with a local (small) fitness place.  I need a treadmill or elliptical and I'm NOT buying another one.   We have had two in our house over the last 10 years and they both sad idle for most of their stay with us.

My third order of business is to finish up my work.  (or at least put a huge dent in it).  I have some ideas brewing that I want to get to, but my work has to be finished first.

It's a beautiful day to be productive.  I' ll likely end the day with the BFF and mom, but I haven't really gotten that far yet, so no promises.

Just take advantage of your day!!!

Happy Sunday!

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