Sunday, July 22, 2012

Reunion Day

So that's it.  Just like that 25 years is over.

Yesterday the class of 1987 met at a park in Irvine.  It was a casual setting, a little slow-going at first.  But as people started to trickle in, it became more comfortable.  People mingled from group to group and the kids played near by.   It was so nice to see these people OFF facebook and in person. 

Facebook is funny.  It almost gives a false sense of security.  You put something out there and people respond.  So in that, I would expect that people start feeling safer to express themselves in ways they wouldn't do in person 

But then you throw in a reunion....and everyone knows your 'business' because you yourself put it out there.....  Yet when you actually have to face someone, it's a little different.  Suddenly you become aware of all you have said, and you can't help but feel a little self conscious. 

Or maybe that's just me!

I do put a lot on facebook. I'm not sure how that is perceived by others, but in truth, I have never been one to hide much of anything about myself.  I  YAM what I YAM.....

But what I do know is what I put out there in my mind is what I'm sayin.  But I cannot control how someone takes that information.  So when someone says, "Oh ya...I read that on your facebook page...."  I tend to get a little worrisome.  I usually examine their face to see if they have disdain, or amusement. 

I admit it.  It's a little nutty how much I put out there.

But do you know in the last few weeks how many people have said to me, "I read your blog, and I swear you were writing about ME!"

THAT'S my point!!!

We are all the same.  Crazy people living crazy lives and doing our best to come together from time to time to check in.

So with our reunion yesterday, I have to say; there was a very comfortable feeling.  It was easy.

Thankfully because of Facebook we don't have to say to each other; "So....what have you been up to these last few years...  because we know.  We can start the conversation with, "How are the kids?"  or whatever floats your boat.  But you get my drift.

In the evening we went to a bar to convene as adults.  It was really nice.  It was actually a smaller group than the park.  I know at this time in our lives, it gets crazy and hard to make time.  So I'm glad for those who had the time to drop in.  And I really hope they enjoyed themselves, because it looks like they did.

I don't know why some people don't feel the need to go back.  I feel like we are all on a journey in life and people are a part of that journey; shaping us to who we are.  How nice to check in with them once in a while to see how their life is progressing.

We are nothing without the people who helped create us - good or bad. 

It's still fun to talk old times (for what we can remember of them).

I had a good time yesterday.  Putting actual faces to the facebook avatars was nice.  I'm thankful to those who traveled to visit.  I hope you found it worth your time and I will look forward to seeing you in another 5!!!

Happy Sunday

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