Thursday, July 5, 2012

Parent's PLEASE.......

I keep thinking I will write a blog about our new foray into Ballet and the Ballet world.  I have so much to learn and am not quite sure where to start.  I had to ask what a "variation" was the other day and I felt like an idiot.  But as I have been a passive parent in regards to my childrens' dancing, it's no wonder I'm clueless.

Learning terminology is one thing; but learning about behaviors is totally different. Thankfully I have a pretty good foundation at the school of parents  that I can trust and who are not afraid to confide in me.

Recently we were 'gifted' privates and lessons from a very talented ballerina.  We are very excited about the opportunity. 

The other day, my daughters private was with another dancer who was a bit more advanced.  Neither child seemed to mind their ability-difference and enjoyed the private.

But the other parent was less than thrilled that her daughter was paired with another child.  And she seemed further perturbed that there was such a skill difference.

Now, I don't fault anyone for their opinion.  She is entitled.  What I take issue with is the fact that she said this in front of my child, leaving my child feeling a little awkward. 

Now, parents, PLEASE.....for the love of Pete (whoever he may be). .... PLEASE be aware of little ears in your presence.

I can't do anything about how this woman feels about what went down.  But if you know me at's VERY hard for me to not address this to her directly. 

The thing that rubbed me more than anything is these lessons are a GIFT!!!!!  I'm so thankful for the opportunity, that frankly, I don't care if it's a private with 200 other kids!!!  (True, it wouldnt' be a private, but you get my point).

I know as my kids get older, they hear me talk all the time.  So it's harder to disseminate where I should draw the line in my conversations with them, or what they overhear.  But this scenario was pretty cut and dry.

And as children have the innate ability to blame themselves when parents are unhappy....well, you do the math.

These kids are developing and need to be built up.  Not criticised for something they have no control over.

Am I perfect? NO!  But this situation made me even MORE aware that I need to look around before I issue my complaints.

As with any gift; if you aren't happy, you may return it.  But please don't complain about it!!!  It's something you wouldn't have had in the first place. And if all else can always buy your own gift........

Happy Thursday

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