Friday, July 6, 2012

Delivery of a performance

There is such a journey to performing.  Getting the dance down is step one!  You may think it is the hardest part, but you are wrong. There is a whole language to delivering  dance. The first step is learning the movement.  But that is literally the ABC of the dance.  After that is the words, which is the intention of the movement, and then sentences and paragraphs are the emotion of the intention of the movement. As we prepare for our dance this weekend, I feel we have only learned the movement. Now, this is no disrespect to our teacher, because he has explained the communication of the dance.   But I think for a lot of us, we were stuck in the mechanics of it all and haven't totally moved past that. And as we move into our final competition,  I think we need to work on "bringing it" with the intention and the emotion of it all. But can we do it? At this time, I am not sure we have the background, motivation to bring it all forward.  And I gotta admit.... I am concerned, In our dance, we are excited, because we are there to celebrate!  As the dance progresses, we become more intense, until we get to the end where we are angry and ready to throw down.  This is where the Krump section comes in. I really badly want to deliver this piece with intention, but I fear my insecurities in my ability will cause me to be less than capable of pulling the facials necessary to 'bring it'. If you know our teacher, then you will know that each one of us wants to bring it for him.  But if there is a mental block on any level, then we are in trouble. I remember the question actors ask, "What's my motivation?".  I know for me, I need a motivation to go on. I will be thinking about that as I don't want all my pictures to look like my last performance....all the same........ I have seen some great performances from some of our teams.  And a huge component of that is based on the fact that I knew what each dancer was trying to convey in there dance based on their movement, intention and facial expressions.   If you are missing any of those components, the message won't be delivered. I think what we need to do, is realize this is a stage.   And a stage + hip hop = Go BIG or go HOME!!!   After seeing some of these performers I am realizing it is time to go BIG! Whatever I can do to entice the audience and bring them in is what I will do!! And I can say that now.....because I am writing this from the comfort of my own bed.   When reality hits.... Who knows what will happen. Please wish us luck!! Happy Saturday!

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