Friday, July 20, 2012

Gut Instinct in Colorado

Okay, people are just CRAZY!!!!  In 5 minutes I read about a nut in Colorado who opened fire in a movie theater.  And in Philadelphia a man was caught on video trying to abduct a 10 year old girl....who was walking with her 2 year old brother!!! 

Now, I know there are sick people out there and always have been....but why does it seem to be that there are more and more freaks nowadays than 20 or 30 years ago?

I am sure that part of it is because we have the Internet and camera's on every corner of the world. 

But do you ever wonder what causes these sick people and doesn't anyone notice something is wrong with then before the commit their acts???

In the instance of James Holmes; the guy at the movie theater.....His mother said 'on gut instinct' "You have the right guy!" 


She lives in California and he lives in Colorado and based on her gut instinct, she knows that her son did this?? 


Are you living 3 states away from your son out of FEAR????

My mother always taught me, "Sweeten your words with sugar, for some day you may have to EAT them!"  So I'm holding back.

As a mother I know my kids will do their own bidding's.  And I know as a child, I certainly didn't follow every piece of advice from my own parents.

But I also never walked around with a ton of arsenal of life ending accessories!!!!

I swear people raise children they are afraid of.  They refuse to tell their children "No" for fear they will be 'upset'.....

I know a very wise lady who advised me one time when my daughter was going off to middle school.  She said to tell her, "You know who you are!  You know our family values and you act accordingly".

Our family values......

To teach right from wrong; the Golden Rule; The Ten Commandments......that you don't always get what you want in life.  That if you work hard....eventually it will pay off!!!!

Does anyone teach that anymore?

More often than not, kids learn by example.  However, what I have seen many times is unbalanced children being placated by their parents and society because we are all so stretched thin that we don't have the time to stop and look at what is before us.

And as a result, the one being ignored is just in need of a little attention and a little correction.

If that doesn't happen then the internalizing process starts to take over.  A kid in their head who can't process their thoughts.    Pretty soon they are displaying signs in small ways that get overlooked, because no one is paying attention.  And it grows from there......

Now that isn't always the case.  But the truth is, in a situation like this Movie Theater catastrophe - my brain wants to put the pieces together and figure it out.  And though it's natural to blame the mother, I usually throw leniency, because I myself would not want to be blamed.  After all, when a kid turns 18....they are on their own.....

But when a mother says, "You've got the right person"......  doesn't that just turn your stomach a little?

It will be interesting to see how this story unfolds.  A dozen people are already dead and a mother is flying back to Colorado to be with her 'accused' son.  There is no righting this wrong. 

But I can't help but wonder....could it have been prevented if someone - anyone just paid a little closer attention......

Praying for the families in Colorado...  My heart goes out to you all.

And to the victims....Rest in Peace

1 comment:

  1. On my knees, by my son's bedside I pray... No, he's never been in trouble or done anything to harm another person but he certainly likes living outside "the box". He likes rap music and "dub step" (not even sure what that is, some kind of noise) while I wish it were still the Wiggles and Jana Alayra. I will not FORBID him from finding himself as I was forbidden to at his age; it did not work out well for my family and there is an ever present "wedge" between me & my only mother. I feel for this mother, more than I can express! How did her son get to this point?? I want my children to be kind, follow the rules, love the Lord with all their hearts and (for Pete's sake) turn in their homework!! I have a rule follower and a rule challenger, just the hand I was dealt! A friend recently asked me, "You know you are hard on your kids, right???". YES, I do. I will always have high expectations of my children and as we weave our way through adolescence over the next few years, they will ALWAYS know how much they are loved!!!! How this mother could know they "had the right person" saddens me as much as it sickens me! Get help. Just because they turn 18 doesn't mean they don't need their Mommy... and if Mommy doesn't have the answer, then get HELP. It takes a village and we villagers need to work together and realize that these issues CAN affect society and potentially your very own community. To my mother in Colorado and all the other residents, we are praying for you!!!
