Monday, July 30, 2012

New things

Yesterday was pretty nice.  We had the grandparents over for birthday celebrations.

The girls birthdays are within a week of each other so we pool the efforts and have a bbq.

The second bday celebration for both of them.

Aspen's birthday is this week and we will likely plan a day out this week for her. 

I was going to sign them up for camp, but both are dancing a number of hours already and didn't want to add anymore this week.  Fair enough.

I don't mind them having the week off. It's easier on me too.  Well...sort of.  I still get to hear them say, "I'm bored" or "What are we doing this week?" or "What's for lunch?"

Ever hear that before???

As I don't have as much on my plate this week it will free me up to do a few more fun things.
And as I took off the summer from WW, I'm super happy to have this option for my kids.

This summer has been a lot more relaxing and I feel like I am not running in as many directions.  I had no idea how stretched I was before.  It's a shame that something massive has to happen to be the wake up call.

I went to weigh in yesterday and saw some of the gals I have worked with.   It was a little awkward for me because I literally felt like I just disappeared from them without explanation.  Same with my members.

But seeing them was so nice, because these are also my friends. 

My plan to get back on track turned out pretty well.  I left myself room to celebrate, but reserved myself the rest of the day.  All is well.   Today I started the day by juicing.  It's actually not just the juice; I got the Nutribullet and made a smoothie for breakfast. 

In the past I didn't really believe in these because when you put food in liquid form, you are changing the natural state of the food and it absorbs much quicker and totally differently than if you chew it.

But as I'm trying to mix things up, I'm giving this a try at least a few time in the week and we will see what happens. 

HOWEVER....I'm kind of attached to chewing my food as I feel that is the major part of the experience, right?  But I want to break my old habits, so here I am.  I'll keep you posted.

I would tell you what I put in it, but it's early as I write and I don't want you to lose your most recent meal.  But I can eat cardboard and be happy with it if it has nutritional value, so there you are.

I'm off to get started on my day.  I have a few things planned and if I finish early, I'm off for an adventure.  Just not sure what that adventure is yet.

Happy Monday.

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