Tuesday, February 21, 2012

You ever wanna bottle someone up and take them home with you? I did. Last night.

Ingrid Michaleson. But she was gone before I could grab her.

Didn't even know who she was a few weeks ago. But thanks to dance and my girls, they came home singing her songs over and over. Soon they were begging to download her.

I'm like, "Who? And they're like, "Ingrid Michaelson!"

And just "like" that, it was done.

So if you know anything about me and the girls, when we get new music we play it over and over and over and over......well, you get the idea, we play it a lot. So let's just say Ingrid and I go way back at this point.

I am not very good at keeping up with the current artists and to be honest, if it weren't for my kids, I would still be listening to the BeeGees. (okay, not really, but you get the point.)

So how surprised was I, when I sat down in my photo meeting to see a picture of Ingrid on my seat? Never heard of her to 'she's all over the place'. I was instantly excited.

The card was just an ad for some music to be used in slide presentations, and mentioned a special performance, and you need tickets to see it. The places where I could get the tickets were all closed, so my hopes were immediately dashed.

But as I a sitting there, in a room of 200+ people, this guy comes up to these girls next to me and hands something quietly to the. I listen intently and realize they are tickets for the show. My eyes widen.

Two things you need to know about me,
First, I HATE concerts!! Too many people, music too loud, anxiety attacks,etc.... It's not my bag.
And second, I do NOT ask for stuff from people who are not soliciting to me.

But as I watched this guy talking to these girls, I stared him down until he noticed me. I smiled and looked at him eagerly and said, "Ingrid Michaelson????". (I am not gonna lie, my eyes were hopeful and pleading. ) I could tell he wasn't prepared to hand them over as he had carefully selected these ladies beside me. But I held his gaze and my smile got bigger. I wasn't going down without a fight.

He looked at the tickets and he looked at me......and then he handed them over. He quietly muttered, "these were my last two tickets"..... And walked away. But not before I thanked him profusely. I could tell that was not what he wanted to do, but I honestly want him to know those tickets were where they were meant to be.

One more thing you don't know about me, I do not attend events after 8pm, because I get tired! No. Movies, nothing.

This show was at 10:45pm..... I took a gulp. Could I make it? I have been sitting in meetings all day and I am really tired.

But it meant that much.

We went into a venue that seated about 500. We were about 6th row back. She came on and played a whole set with a guitar and a piano. She was funny, witty, and so very talented. She had that whole room in complete silence.

If she played again, I would take my girls. They would love it. When they found out I was going they asked for a souvenir. As it wasn't that kind of venue, they were handing out the special engagement tickets that we used to get in. People were standing in line (me included) to get them as a souvenir. This girl will go somewhere.

And as I couldn't bottle her up and take her home, she is now available to share with the world.

You are welcome.

Happy Tuesday

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