Friday, February 10, 2012

Feeling the pressure

Dance Competition season has officially started.  Tomorrow, both girls will be competing, and I can already feel the stress building.  Aspen has been under the weather, and I will be concerned that she will be okay for her performance. 

Avery's pants ripped during the first showcase and we are wondering if she will be able to get through the season.  Geez.....I remember this pressure from last year.

Doing competitive dance is a whole different ballgame than just doing a recital.  Recital week is stressful, but if you forget something, it doesn't really affect your team, or the scores.

Competitive dance is all about coming together as a unit.  If one person fails; they all fail. 

Competition is the quiz to see how well you have done. 

Though it's all stressful, I have seen worse in Competitive cheer.  I sat for a few hours one time and watched competitive cheer routines, one after another after another.  These are tight knit groups.  One routine got me choked up, because as I watched, one of the girls really hurt herself......and she kept cheering.  At the end of the routine, she was limping off stage (having barely held on), and two of her teammates came and picked her up to carry her off stage.  I am teary-eyed right now remembering it.

Being a team is a very important lesson.  It's important in life to realize that not everything is about you.  Your actions can directly impact others.  If all members of the team are giving their best, and  one fails to achieve - the whole team takes the hit.  I for one, wouldn't want to be the slacker in a group.

The teachers have given their final speeches this week.  I sat in on some and I'm really proud.  They really hit home with their preparation.  The girls should definitely be ready. 

So this weekend as we go into our first competition, I will have high hopes for the girls.  But it isn't going to be about winning....for me, it's that every single piece of their costume, makeup and accessories actually makes it to competition.  The rest is gravy.

Happy Friday

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