Friday, February 3, 2012

Say what???

Yesterday I was reading facebook, and I read a post about a little girl just diagnosed with cancer.  Her prognosis was unknown at the time I read it.

At work, one of my members reported she had been absent due to a hystorectomy from the discovery of stage 2 cancer.  She will be undergoing chemo.

Yesterday when I got home, I got a message from a friend that a 26 year old wife and mother of two (my friends niece) died suddenly Monday night from flu-like symptoms.....

You think YOU got problems???

I don't even know where to go with all this information. My heart is so heavy it's hard to breathe.  There is so much sadness and need in the world, it's important to take stock in what you have and put everything else into perspective.

It's like when my husband was out of a job for many many months.....I would hear people complaining about their jobs and I wanted to punch them!!!   They would usually follow it up with "I know, at least I have a job".....but it was too late.  I was already punching them in my mind......

My heart is so heavy for the families going through this.  A child with cancer is completely senseless! 

And at the time of this blog, there is no answer yet as to why the mother died.  But my mind needs answers.

Life is random at best.  It's ebb and flow and you just have to go with it.

Yesterday I blogged about solidifies it.  We truly have no control.

This is a time of faith.  Pray hard and hug those around you.  Keep it all in perspective.

Today is truly all we have.  Make the most of it.

Happy Friday

1 comment:

  1. I know, it is crazy sometimes. I am constantly reminded that at least my kids are home and breathing. I don't know how any parent makes it through these kinds of trials. So important to remember gratitude.
