Saturday, February 25, 2012

Growing pains....

Me thinks me little girl is growing up.......  (insert sad face here)

While I was gone this last week I heard a statement that I know is true:  Teenagers are creatures of Comparison!

Boy ain't it the truth!

I remember when I was a kid, Ditto Jeans, Sergio Valente, Jordache.....all big brands.  My friends had them and so we (my sis and I) wanted them.  I think she wanted them more than me.  I just liked the saddle but on the Ditto's.  Remember those???  YELLOW JEANS ROCKED!!!!

Now as I see my tween starting to pull her little wings out of her egg shells, I'm hearing her opinions grow.  And I don't like it!!! 

Not that they are bad, because they aren't.  It's just another step in the push and pull of life.  As she gets older, so does her mother.  I'm quickly approaching model 1.0, when before I was Top of the Line....  I'm slipping down the chain of importance.

I had to have a talk today about making sure she "Represents".  She said she didn't want to, and I said as long as you are in THIS family, you will!!!   Then I started looking around for my dad as I was certain HE was the one who said it.

But as he passed just 12 years ago, and I was the only adult in the room, I realized, I, too am pulling out my can O' Whoopass and layin' the law.

I'm not gonna lie.  It was a little uncomfortable to tell her that, because she is a good kid and makes good grades and good choices. 

But at this moment, she is going to do something she doesn't want to do, but is her responsibility and duty.  Welcome to life, my sweet!!!

I was reminded today that I am her mother. And though my request to her was minor, and I could totally let it go (having her hair in a half ponytail/half bun like she couldn't be bothered), I realized that this is a moment when she has to realize the world doesn't revolve around her.  That as we grow, what we do and how we dress is important in how we are assessed by others. 

It's MY job to let her know that!!!

Many times in my youth, I made situations all about me!  Not because I was trying to, but because I was so self obsessed and depressed, I couldn't be bothered to realize that my actions directly affected those around me.  I was well into my 20s before my very dear friend set me straight. 

As a mother, I want my kids to learn this WAY before their 20s.

So it is.  She is off, her hair is coiffed, her clothes tidy, and a fake smile will be plastered upon her face as she does a duty she doesn't want to do.

And when she is done, she can come home, put her hair however she wants, run around naked for all I care, because at home she can be who she wants.  Especially while she's emptying the dishwasher!

Happy Saturday!

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