Sunday, February 26, 2012

Cabin pressure dropping.....

Ladies and Gentleman, please keep your seat belts on as there has been a slight shift in cabin pressure.  We have gone from  a comfortable level, to an uncomfortable and potentially unpleasant shift.

I don't know about you, but that's how it feels in our side of the world this morning...or uh...our side of Mission Viejo....or uh it were.

Ever have days that start out fine and within an instant; it's all NOT fine! I am.  Thanks for commiserating!!

We all have strengths and weaknesses in this life and we do our best to get by.  Many times couples choose their opposite.  Yin and Yang f you will.  You rarely see two people who are exactly the same.  And if they are, they could be happy, but who knows.  Most of us only portray that on the outside while silently suffering on the inside.

Me, on the other hand....everything is on the outside.

But whatever. 

Last night Chris started digging on me, how I leave things out.   And he pulled the old, "OH...let ME get that for you" bit.  And he put it away.  Nice, huh.  Yes, I get he's frustrated.  And maybe it's his little way of reminding me, "I like things put away!"

I get irritated every time he does it....and he does it frequently. 

Yes, he's probably justified, I'm not arguing that.  HOWEVER.....aren't there always two sides to every coin???

If we both walked around and stated the obvious, it would be a ridiculous household.

BUT....(yes I went there) to make my point, this morning I pointed his weakness out to HIM (No.  I couldn't walk away).  Instead of making my point, I just upset the balance and now we have crab central around here, which I'm in no mood to deal with.  (yes mom, I left a preposition hanging...sorry).

I had the choice to take the high road, or the low road.....and I went low....way low.

Sometimes I can take the high road, but as I have been gone the last week, and my workload went nowhere, so I'm a little careless about where I leave things. I have other things on my mind.  And to my credit, I'm leaving the cereal out for the kids!  (Even though they don't eat Fiber One).

Today I will be buying masking tape for my mouth.  Because if I went around stating all the little stuff that isn't done, this would be world war III.  And it's totally not worth it.  Choose your battles they say. 

It works for kids and adults alike.

Happy Sunday

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