Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Well, we are bringing this trip to a close. Our bottoms hurt from the hours of sitting, our brains hurts from the major influx of knowledge, and our feet hurt from the endless walks at the trade show.

I know guys who do this all the time. My husband used to complain about it, and I used to call him a baby. After my first trade show, I got it.

I revisited a booth yesterday to ask a guy a question I had thought about for his products. I had seen him the day before. He was full of vigor and excitement about his product, definitely amped up. As I approached him yesterday, towards the end of the day, some of the spark left his eye. He was still excited to be here, but the energy was slowly seeping out of his body, as I could see it on his face.

As I walked out of the trade show yesterday back towards my room, I could see the spark diminishing from many people. Less we're smiling, more were outside on the phone, classes becoming less crowded, and people getting a little more irritable.

It's a funny transition to watch. I wish I could stay a few more days and see how it all plays out. But alas, it it time to get back home.

As I reflect back on my trip, many things run through my mind on what I learned, and I am excited to put much of it into play.

But the thing I am most thankful for on this trip, seriously, is my espresso maker. I payed $79 for it, and this week it paid itself off tenfold. Not only did I NOT have to drink crappy hotel coffee maker coffee (cuz we weren't provided any), but I didn't have to wait in those long, ridiculous lines standing behind grumpy uncaffeinated people, and pay premium fees for something I could easily make.

When I got in the elevator one morning and mentioned to the Starbucks seekers that I had already had my coffee, they looked at me in awe. I made myself a skinny vanilla latte and I was ready for my day. I was very proud at their dumbfounded faces, because as they were going to wait in line, I got to proceed to my event.

A little planning goes a long way!

My kids have called every day looking for their mommy. I have heard their stories and they have heard mine. When I go home they will be embellished with lots of shmuttas, and soon forget I was ever gone.

It was a good trip. Now I just need to put all this information to good use.

Hears to striking while the iron is HOT.

Happy ......what day is this?

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