Thursday, December 1, 2011

Busy and justifying it

Yesterday I had a rude awakening. I am justifying my "busy".

Busy and productive are two very different things. I can be busy all day long, but not productive.

Sometimes that is a good thing. Sometimes.......not always.....

A few years ago, I got really burned out on volunteering at my kids school. I volunteered, and I got volunteered. At the time, it didn't bother me. But eventually, it caught up with me. I started feeling the pressure, and paying the price for overextending myself. The balance tipped the scale at over-doing. So I did what any other 'burn victim' would do. I pulled back.

And unfortunately, there were victims. My kids.

I started realizing that delicate balance between, kids and others and self. But I couldn't figure out how much weight to give to each.

Last night, as I sat at dance, for two hours, I felt like I was 'wasting' time. And that is when it hit me......

I am watching my child grow, while participating in class, and I am calling this wasting time? When did my priorities get so off kilter?

This is where I should be. I should be helping out in my kids classes -if only for an hour a week, to show my presence and that I care. But because I am 'busy' (not to be mistaken for productive) I have been mislead to believe that I can't find the time. And worst of all, I justify it.

Well, it is definitely time to rebalance the scales and be present for my children. I have been missing them.

Imagine how they have been feeling!!

Happy Thursday

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what you mean! I signed my 8 year old son up for football; practice was M-F 6pm-8pm. I work full time and try to manage the household and pets. It got to a point where I was completely exhausted and I just started to drop my son off at practice and not stay there and watch like I used to. I justified it by telling myself 'I go to almost every game'. It took my sons step-mom telling me how precious these years are to open my eyes... Than God for her, I am a mother and I have certain responsibilities. Time goes by so fast and I need to treasure these days.

    Lets just be thankful that we realized this now, and not later when they are already grown and it is too late. :)
