Thursday, December 8, 2011

coping and comfort

A little sore this morning from Pilates.  It's kind of an oooohhh....aaahhhhhh feeling!  Hurts so good, so to speak!  In the feelings of sadness, to do something good for myself was necessary!

I also found myself baking, chatting with friends and commiserating!  I have no problem reaching out at times like this.  I think it is very important to ask for help, if you will, when feeling a bit sad.  To talk things out is to get it out of you.  The alternative is to let it fester.  I'm not a big fan of that!

So, as I passed out my baked goods yesterday and saw the happy faces that accepted, I felt a bit victorious that I turned my mood around.

So many questions come up when something bad happens.  It's never just a done deal!  When someone dies we want to know, ""  Were they alone?  Did  they suffer?  Did I do enough for them when they were here?  Should I go to the service? Should I bring something?  Who can I call?  What if it were ME??????

That last question always sneaks in, I swear!!  I think it's pretty natural to turn things on ourselves,  because, when someone passes, our mortality is thrown in our faces like a huge mirror standing next to a sign that says, "You are not above this happening to you!"

When friends of mine got divorced, it really threw me for a loop!  I looked at my husband and started asking him a million questions about our own relationship.  Cuz if it could happen to them, it could happen to us!  So I want to make sure it doesn't!

Life is a never ending roller coaster ride.  Some of us are tightly strapped in, and some of us are holding on for dear life, because our safety belt is broken.  Today, I feel kind of secure in my seat.  And I'm grateful.  I have a support system that is amazing.  People really surprised me yesterday!  It warmed my heart. 

One thing I have found for sure, if you are willing to talk, people are willing to listen.  And in turn, when they need to talk, they will know who to go to!

Yesterday was a day of sadness and commiseration as well as a day of comfort and caring.

Thank you to all who reached out yesterday!  (And those who accepted my cookies!) LOL 

Happy Thursday!

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