Sunday, December 4, 2011

Arguments and resolutions

I spent the better part of yesterday arguing...with like EVERYONE.

No resolution was found.  And even had my own blog thrown in my face!  Good times....good times.   It's always nice to put yourself 'out there' in a vulnerable way, and have someone take the words and stockpile them to have ready for use at any given time.  Makes me so proud to know my time is well spent!

I don't argue well.  My mind doesn't work that fast.  I'm very analytical and careful about what I say, because I want what I say to mean something and hit home.  And since that rarely happens, I'm better to just keep my mouth shut.

I notice the physical toll it takes on my body, and I swear to you, my body can't handle it anymore.  Arguments for some are mere words that are thrown, but for me it is a whole body experience. 

Yesterday, my energy was so low, that when I drove my daughter to her friends house, I found myself almost swerving.  I was that drained.  I saw friends and they new something was amiss with me.  I don't hide things well.

As I have gotten older, my desire to "engage" has waned.  I used to be a pit bull, ready for fight at any time.  But the more I got bit in the butt, the more I realized I need to be more careful. 
Some arguments aren't mine.  Yet, because I am an "easy" soul, people call and talk to me when things go wrong.  Sometimes for support, sometimes for advice, sometimes for an ear.

There are times I listen and nearly have a bleeding tongue from biting it.

My mom always said, "Sweeten your words with sugar, for someday you may have to eat them".   And trust me when I say I have eaten plenty.  So I'm way more careful now.

My husband always shakes his head, because while I'm getting sucked in somewhere, he's usually holding my feet pulling me back.  Thank God for him.  I love a mans perspective.  It's usually so much drier than a woman's!!!

We woman are very tightly wound like a ball of cotton.  All the threads are tight and interwoven and you can't see where one end starts and another ends.  Thus my many "Squirrel" moments a day!  Men are more like ski slopes.  They hit it hard and fast and land it every time.  (I know a few women who think that fast and they freak me out).   I don't communicate well with those people.

So to engage in an argument is like sitting there trying to sift through each strand in the cotton ball and it takes a loooooot of effort for me.  I'm likely to cry before I give an answer.

I have finally learned this in my late 30s and early 40s.  It's not worth it to argue.

Not to say a resolution can't be found.  But sometimes it will just take a while. 

Happy Sunday

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