Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I want what I want!!!!

There are times I look at my children and want to call them Varuka Salt, from Willy Wonka!

They are full of wants (or seemingly "needs") and no desire to reciprocate.  I know I am not the only parent who feels this way!

Last night we were having a conversation, and Avery asked a question:  "How much was 99 cents back in the 50s?"

I knew exactly what she was asking.  But Chris decided to play with this question (only I didn't realize it at the time).

He asked, "Which is heavier; a pound of rocks or a pound of feathers?"  Avery couldn't answer the question properly, because she was thinking rocks are heavier.  So now, I jump in and try to get her to the right answer, asking her in different ways,:  "How many rocks might you need to make a pound?" (I told her to pick her size as it didn't matter).
She said "TWO!"  I said, " how many feathers might you need to make a pound?"
 We got to a million.    So which is heavier? " The ROCKS!"
I loved this, because it makes me realize the limitations we all have on some level.  In the end, we explained a pound is a pound so they both weigh the same, and all was good.

Now, Chris tries to go back to the 99 cents question.  He explains 99 cents then was 99 cents now.  But you get a lot less today than you did then.

Very cute few minutes of conversation.  But what was really fun was watching her face as she tried to answer, not quite getting it all they way through.

She is totally my kid!

After dinner, we got into the need for me to cook.  Both kids have baking needs this week for school.  Avery's is an optional, while Aspens is a signed up done deal.

So, while I am negotiating with Avery on her baked "needs", I realize it is to share a Tradition in our house that is food related.

I bake a lot!  But never the same thing, and the kids don't usually help.  So where is the tradition?

I try to explain to her that we don't really have traditional foods we eat every year, but just like the rocks, she is so focused on bringing SOMETHING, she doesn't even care if it falls into a Tradition category or not!  At this point she is ready for me to sling hash on a plate just so she can bring an offering.

I do love that about her!

However, as dinner ran late and I was tired, I wasn't interested in baking anything, let alone making something up. 

As her determination got the best of her all I could hear from her (despite her words) was "I want what I want!!!!"

I told her that I want what I want too!!  And that if she expects me to do something for her, she must do something for me in return. 

So we struck a deal.  She gets to go to school with her "Faux" Tradition, and I get a cleaner house.  One room, and one negotiation at a time!

This could work!

Happy Wednesday!

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