Thursday, December 22, 2011

So, yesterday was kind of terrible. And the it kind of wasn't. My day started put just fine. And then a fowl mood started creeping in. And then full blown warfare. All in my head.

I realized the pressure of the season was bearing down and after yesterday's post my bah humbug moved over to forget the world.

As I started decorating the house I went to push something out of the way, and that nudged something else, and pushed over my Disney ornament tree killing one of the ornaments that can never be fixed. My heart was broken and in went upstairs in tears, overwhelmed and very angry.

My poor children internalized my actions as their fault, and I felt really bad.

I have heard it, and I know have an innate ability to blame themselves for things that go wrong.

As my daughter had just put the ornament tree there, she was feeling badly. I had to pull my head out and go talk to her. We were both in a delicate state.

I was ready to stay in bed the rest of the day, but as the negativity would be swirling around my head and nothing would get done, I reverted back to the advice my dad gave me, "when you are feeling destructive, do something constructive".

We both went downstairs and started slowly finishing projects. And though it was no whirlwind, it was done all day at a nice pace.

And as we sat down to watch a movie together we got to enjoy the fruits of our labor. It was totally worth sucking it up.

They day may have gone south, but how we ended it was all that mattered.

Happy thursday

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