Friday, September 30, 2011


Yesterday I was looking at my calendar because my Friday's are pretty crazy.   Work, two pick ups; two drop offs and a photo session.

As I'm looking at my calendar, I feel that something is missing, because it doesn't look as busy as it is.  And then it hits me; I need more details in the kids pickup times.

Now, technically, this is 'implied'.  I should just know what time my child gets out of school, right?

But in my struggle to stay organized, I am realizing that every detail counts.  Otherwise, I try to squeeze more in.

So, instead of my calendar looking like this:

Avery dance 3:30
Aspen Dance 4:30
Photo Session 5pm

It really needs to look more like this:

Drop Avery off at 7:50
Carpool for Aspen +3
8-11 Work
11-12 Bank, Post office
12:-1 Lunch
1-2:20 Pack and prep gear for session and prepare snacks for kids
2:20 Pick up Avery Drop her at dance
3:30 Pick up Aspen and Carpool
4:30 Drop Aspen at Dance
5pm photoshoot on location

It sounds stupid, but I'm a visual person and I need to literally see it, because truth is,  I HAVE forgotten to pick up my child from school.

I find over and over again that we as a people feel that things are done in a box.  I used to feel that way too.  But the older I get, the more creative I get and the more fascinated I am by the ingenuity of some people.

I haven't totally succeeded yet in life, but I have found a million ways NOT to do things!  And, I haven't given up yet.  I'm a total work in progress.

And with kids; things are ever-changing, so when you think you have something down; they go and move it around on you!  There is no constant.

So I guess it is time to go in and tweak my calendar to I can add my little micro additions to make sure I don't forget a kid at school or leave them at dance over the weekend.

I have said it before; having kids is not for the selfish.  I already have almost 2,000 miles on my car, and only about 20% of those are mine!  I'm making a hefty monthly payment for a glorified taxi!  (Although my kids do look a little better getting out of a car with style!)

I'm always looking for ways to improve.  I envy those who are on top of it; and surprisingly, it's usually people who have a gaggle more kids than I do!  Maybe I should have had a few more to keep me on track.

But for now, I gots what I got and I'll deal as best I can!

But.....I'm always open for suggestions!

Happy Friday!!!

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