Monday, September 19, 2011

Fundraising and "spent" family

I am so frustrated with the schools.  I know they are trying to make ends meet, and I may be starting a bad conversation, but I'm entitled to my opinion, and this is, after all my daily tangent, so here goes!

I hate how the schools pimp out my children (yes, I said it) to sell stuff or buy stuff so they can get a chincy little reward.

And now that my kids are at two schools I'm getting hit with twice as much "stuff" to deal with.

I don't mind the schools fundraising.  I understand times are hard, and I do my own fundraiser for the school every year; I give!

What I hate is how they get the kids SO pumped up that they come home excited that they have a chance to win some worthless crap at the expense of my efforts!!!

Aspen came home the other day and she said, "Mom, can you fill this out?  You don't have to do anything else, just fill it out and when I bring it back I get........... (I lost her at this point).

I told her I would look at it later, but don't get her hopes up.

Two days later, I get something in the mail from my niece.  My stomach sinks.  I don't buy for my own kids, and for that reason, I can't buy from my niece.  If I'm making a donation, it has to stay local.  And, honestly at this point, I would like to receive some donations for myself!   I quickly realise that my nieces fundraiser looks much likes Aspen's. 

So, when I finally open Aspen's paperwork, it was the same, and "all" I have to fill out is 7 names of my closest friends with their addresses so we can hit them up to buy magazines!  (ARE YOU KIDDING ME??????)

My kids are 9 and 11.  We have done these things every year!  School, Girl Scouts, etc.....  The grandparents have been spent.  Close family and friends are all selling the same stuff and the best part is, no one has any money for the stuff OR any need for the "stuff" they are buying!!!!! 

The thing that frustrates my husband and myself is, the mere pennies that the schools get for these fundraisers isn't worth all the efforts these kids are putting out, let alone the disdain from those 'supporting' them.

If they want me to buy a magazine subscription for $20, they maybe get a few cents are at best a whole dollar!  Can I just give $20 directly to the school and let my kid get the "stuff" they are trying so hard to earn?  Or better yet, can I just take them to Big Lots with $5 and let them go crazy and tell them they are all winners!!!!!!????

Again, I realize that schools have to fund raise.  But, can you just send me a bill for how much you are trying to earn and let me cut you a check?  I'm sure if I send you a $20, that is more then you will get from all my purchases from these stupid fundraisers that build my kids up, only to let them get knocked down when I tell them it ain't gonna happen!  I have enough fights of my own with my children without this 'stuff' in the mix!!!!

Not to mention the many hours I will save from peddling my kids around the block or sitting next to them on the phone while they beg everyone to buy just one more thing!!!! 

Yes, I know.   I shouldn't hold back so much, right?   Well, maybe some day, I will tell you how I really feel!

Happy Monday!

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