Tuesday, September 13, 2011


More than one angle to a story......

Yesterday I went to pick up my carpool, which consists of two boys and three girls, I love love love listening to these kids talking in my car. I wanted to slow down to two miles per hour to lengthen the experience.

Apparently, there was a rift between two of the kids; a boy and a girl. It was clear that they were trying to hash it out. I didn't want to intrude as I feel that it is very important for these kids to articulate and resolve their issues. They were doing just fine.

Towards the end of the drive, I did step in a bit, just to see if I could reiterate ones feelings to the other.

In the end, it appeared a resolution was reached. At one point, I stood at the back of my car (with the backpacks) listening to the two articulate better than most adults. I literally had tears in my eyes, swelling with pride.

I was a little unclear as to why the girl (a very close friend) was so irritated.

Well.....after we dropped off the boy, more information came forward, and the whole picture became very clear.   I got a glimpse into the whole picture, which was about a year longer than the 5 minutes I got to hear.  It all became clearer to me.  And I felt one of the issues needed to be pursued.

As this is a new school year and a new dynamic; kinks need to be worked out.  And as issues arise, they need to be addressed, no matter how small they seem to be.

So....I drafted an email.

Now; if you read my blog at all; you know that emails have gotten me into trouble.  However, with my schedule, sometimes I don't have a choice.  If it is late, then I am not going to call someone.  But this issue had to be addressed, and so off the email went.........

.....and now I wait!

I'm hoping that my message is taken lightly, but if defenses run high on the other end, then Houston, we may have a problem.

But as it is the beginning of the year and we have to go through the rest of the year, it is better to nip the kinks in the bud so they don't get worse!

I would expect to hear from any parent who had issues with my kids (and I have!). 

Now, I have to say; on the way home yesterday, I was so impressed with the dialog of these kids.  Because as they were talking over their issue, the articulation was so intelligent, I dare say it rivaled adult communication.  AND....probably exceeded it.

Most adults don't articulate this well.

As I was dropping off and I listened to the apologies spoken, and watched the hands be shaken, I literally welled up with tears.  Yes, I'm an easy target.  But I was so proud of these kids for talking it through, because the alternative is to act out. 

As I am new to Carpool, I have to say, I love it!  I'm with kids who are new to me, and for the most part, I sit back and listen.  I get to be a fly on the wall; and that is a great place to be!

Happy Tuesday

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