Monday, September 12, 2011


So, yesterday was 9-11. We spent our morning at Saddleback Church, with Rick Warren honoring all the days events including the moments that happened, the people we lost, the people who protect us and how we can move forward as a nation, a people, and a christian.

Very powerful stuff!

I sat up at the top, in the back, with a box of tissue on my lap; and I looked around at all the people that were there. WAY more than usual. And I couldn't help but realize how so many people flocked in JUST to honor 9-11.

It is the same on Easter; Christmas.

When people feel moved....they come!

Shouldn't they feel moved......more often???

We are a fickle people. We go with what we are feeling at the moment. And as that changes with the do our actions.

I see it in my business as well with members wanting to lose weight. I know it is a hard thing to do, because I did it. And when things weren't going my way, or I was frustrated, or just tired of trying....I wanted to quit. And I didn't. And I am the exception, not the rule. I would like to create many many more exceptions. That is my goal.

Most people can't see the big picture, and so they turn off the TV all together.

We are fickle.

And it is kind of a bummer sometimes.

People are most giving  between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  For some reason, we will find time to donate.  But as people eat every single day, January through do the hungry survive?

By those who are moved regularly.

There are some out there.  And thank God for them.  Most of us barely have time to put on our shoes before we are carried out the door to a day that is so jam packed full that to even think of ourselves is a luxury; let alone, think about anyone else.

So, today, my blog is dedicated to those who do think about it and are moved January through October.  Unfortunately, along with most of the rest of the people, I'll be there in November with my offerings.

However; now that my awareness is raised for myself, I may add a few more days in there, and bring my family with me so we can elevate ourselves to a new level.

There are many organizations that need help.  And by simply donating your time,(if you have no money), you can help make a difference in the world.

My goal would be that we feel the power of the love we had yesterday, more throughout the year.  In that room; we were bonded as a people.  We were one nation under God.  And it felt like we made a difference.  

For at least an hour.

Happy Monday!

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