Thursday, September 8, 2011

So what would happen?

A day without electricity.......the city (actually a small portion of the state) brought to its knees.........

I find it interesting to realize just HOW dependant we are on the modern day conveniences.

At first, I didn't realize what was going on.  I picked up my daughter from school to "quickly" get her to dance, and lo and behold.....traffic.  WAY more than usual!  I knew it right away; something was wrong!

At first, I thought it was an accident.  It usually is when there is traffic like this.  Only, I noticed it was on both sides of the street.  If cars were leaving the site of an accident, there would be no traffic on the other side.  So, clearly, something felt....wrong.

As I approached the light, I realized, "oh....something local went wrong.  A few lights are out". 

A few indeed. 

All the way from where I was straight down to Tijuana.

Dare I say...."What the HELL????"

It took me over 30 minutes to go what normally took me 15.  It was everywhere I went, in every direction.  It didn't matter how I tried to hide from it, there were outages everywhere......

How did this happen?

The answer to that is still unknown.  Other than the fact that it's a million degrees out and every last person is running their air conditioners.  But still.

The problem isn't that we have outages, per se.  The problem is the complete MAYHEM that happens when something goes out of the ordinary!

Capable people suddenly don't know how to drive.  The simple act of the "STOP" sign is lost on people.  Intersections are at a confused stand still, or rather a complete cluster-mess.  All the basics that we were raised with are gone with the wind.  Common sense, doesn't exist!

Some people were literally freaking out that they didn't have power.

Now, I don't dismiss that food in the fridge can go bad.  And if it's anything like our fridge, it's a LOT of money we are talking about.

But people weren't so worried about their food.  They were worried about their electronics!  Some went searching for workable networks so they could plug in.  Others, just weren't sure WHAT to do!?

I guess everyone is different.  And thankfully, we weren't affected.  However, we have been.  And we survived.  And what we did was simply ...... simple

We connected. 

To each other!!!

When things like this happen, we forget that we have the basics.  ALWAYS.  If you are lucky, you have water ready to go.  But as far as computers.  Who cares???  If you have each other, you have enough!

In moments of darkness, it's 'adventure time'.  Time to light the candles, and sit together.  Cuddle, snuggle....and dare I say it.....(gulp)  TALK!!!!

I once heard that a study was done where a group of people were asked to live without their electronics for 24 hours.  JUST 24 hours.


So, I say....take this as a lesson.  Things can happen.  And they may be "bad".  But do your best to find the good in it all.  If no one died, you are already ahead!!!

I'm thankful when things like this happen.  I call them "reminders". 

Reminders that we are all capable; if we go back to the basics.  That we don't have to be dependent.  And that if we have each other....we have everything we need!!!

So, though we may feel like we have desperate times....they can always get worse!!  The glass can be half FULL just as easy as it can be half empty!

Take the time to hug more!

Happy Friday!

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