Thursday, August 4, 2011


I do not know how deep the subconscious runs, but I do know it's pretty complex in there.  Hardly do we ever say anything and there isn't some hidden meaning to it.  So if you ever say something to someone and you were "just kidding"....well, actually you weren't!  You more than likely just don't know what exactly drove you to say what you said....but you did mean it!

I took my dogs for a walk yesterday.  We are having problems with one of them barking, and so I figured I would walk the "bark" right out of them.  I did this begrudgingly, of course!  Walking with my dogs is a total pain.

One is a princess and doesn't care for the long walks.  She's rather dainty, if you will, so a short walk will do her fine.  She just wants the attention. 

The other is a feisty little firecracker.  She's cute, stout, chock full of personality and you either love her, or she's under your skin.  You can't have both at the same time.

As I'm walking them, their coloring sinks in, as do their personalities.  I'm stopped for a moment and start examining a bit closer.

I have a blond and a red.  One is pretty mellow, and the other we talk to constantly.  The blond is sweet, independent, pretty low key (except for the occasional mishaps) and the Red is quick, loud, funny and sometimes a bit too much. are my kids!

Aspen is blond, Avery is red.  Did I do this on purpose, or was it self conscious?  Did I choose our dogs to match our kids?

When I went to pick out Jinx, there was a blond brother that was super cute.   But I had my heart set on the redder dog.  Maybe to complete my set at home

Who knows??? 

But the bottom line is, it got me thinking about how we get through in life.  There really is a motivation behind every choice we make.  Whether we are aware of it or not.

My husband doesn't get when we have "discussions" why I won't let go of what he says at times.  And the truth is, I'm trying to get to the bottom of what he really meant!! 

Have you ever argued about a toilet seat being up?  Do you think it's really only about the toilet seat?  Sometimes, maybe.  But often, no!!!

I hear women talking about their husbands, and they complain about the little stuff.  But more often than not, there is something deeper like, they aren't getting enough attention or respect.  But that is harder to identify than the stuff that irritates us, so we argue about "the little shit".

I don't know what my motivation was to get those dogs.  Kara came first (the blond) just like Aspen.  Then Jinx (the red dog).  I'm sure there was something very deliberate about my choice.  But, something tells me, I'll never know. 

So I'll just take my dogs for a walk and let it be at that!

Happy Thursday!

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