Thursday, August 18, 2011

Seize the day

Can you believe summer is nearly over?

I went to the beach yesterday with my girls and "The Nanna" (our nickname for my mom).  I love Laguna Beach, so that's where I headed.  My initial hope was Newport, but as I can never find a parking spot there, nor do I know the area well enough, I resort to my old haunt.

We went to Coyote Grill for lunch.  It was so nice sitting there.  We used to go more often, and now my schedule hardly permits it.

We enjoyed our lunches thoroughly.  (I had a zucchini enchilada.  It was as weird as it sounded).

After lunch we headed into main beach.  We walked through all the shops, some of which are very artsy.  It's always a fun think to see the eclectic offerings of the locals. 

We were all stuffed from lunch, but apparently not stuffed enough to peruse the bakery.  I couldn't leave without buying half a dozen items "just to try".  When will I ever learn.  Avery is apparently visual, like me, I practically had to beat her off with a stick from her desires of chocolate cupcakes and chocolate brownies.  Totally my kid!

After that we headed to the actual water.  (Aren't you supposed to do that while at the beach....?)
The beach was packed with tourist (including us).  The girls stripped down, while Nanna sat back on a bench to "goo-gawk" at all the locals.  (Love the stories of her ventures).

The girls ran to the water, jumped in and said, "COOOOLD!!!!"  and out they went.  They found a 2 year old little girl that the both insisted on taking care of.  And that was most of our beach trip. 

I talked to the little girls mom, who moved to Vegas from Florida after she her husband lost their jobs due to the economy.  Luckily they sold while the market was still relatively good.  And they have been settled in a suburb in Vegas with their two kids. 

It's amazing that no matter who you talk to; the stories are all the same!   I know so many people in the same boat.  It's almost comforting to talk to a transplant and feel like she's from my own backyard!

We chatted for a few before she had to scoop up her adorable child and leave. 

I love meeting people who are so open about their lives.  What do any of us have to hide?

I was talking to Aspen last night about her thoughts of middle school and she came out with some concerns I hadn't heard before.  Nothing major, but she gets embarrassed easy.  So, I told her that no matter what happens to her, she will never be alone, because if SHE is in a new situation feeling uneasy, you can bet that more than half of the people in her presence are feeling the same way. 

I talked to her about body language, and when she gets nervous that she should look around the room and see if anyone is biting their lip; folding their arms across their chest, curling their hair with their finger...or better yet, picking their nose.  I told her we all have nerves and we all handle it differently but we ALL feel it with new things.  And it will only be new for a few days or a week.  And then she will settle into it all and it will be no big deal.

I could see her relaxing a bit, which was great.  She doesn't like to talk much, so when I can drag it out of her, I'm gonna milk it for all its worth!

It was a great day yesterday.  There aren't enough of those, but I'm still determined to get a few more in before summer is over. 

Seize the day!

Happy Thursday!

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