Tuesday, August 16, 2011


In the last few days I have gotten to see and "somewhat" catch up with friends I have barely seen all summer. 

As I state regularly, life is a delicate balance and as always God and family should come first.  BUT.....life is a balance.

I know so many people who don't know who they are.  And for some, it takes a lifetime journey to get there.  We clock out on ourselves and our own needs so often that sometimes we inevitably end up at the bottom of the list, which is a huge issue.

If we aren't taking care of ourselves, who are we depending on to take care of us?

For those of devout faith; you have your answer.  But for some of us, we need a little nudging a little guidance, and little leveling, and sometimes that comes from friends.

I think if we turn into ourselves more, we will find the answers we need.  However, I have found in life, that not only do we check out on ourselves, we ignore serious issues.  And friends, who are present and caring can point us in the right direction.

I have missed my friends this last year.  I have made no secrets about it.  But as I prepare to send my oldest child to middle school, I must rely on my friends - those who have trudged the path before me - to guide me correctly.  For they have eyes I do not (in this instance).

I value my friendships and I rely on them.  I think we all need someone in life - either to guide us, or take the path with us so we are not alone.  I don't think we were ever meant to be alone.  After all, God created woman for man right?  And then he created friends for women to get through their marriages.  It's true.  You just haven't read it yet in the bibles.  It's in the next version, I'm sure.

That all said, I have found my comfort level with my friends.  I have "No B.S." friends, who don't hold back when I have been an idiot.  Those are the kinds of people I need in my life.

And as I have been RE-exposed to them these last few days, I hope they realize how infinitely important they are to me.  How they ground me, protect me and guide me.  I am a mere jester in their lives - here to help them laugh when I screw up!

Surround yourself with people who will direct you wisely.  We don't have all the answers alone.  But together - we do!

Happy Tuesday!

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