Monday, August 8, 2011

Limitations and adventures

Last night we played Taboo. It was me, Julie, Mom, Aspen and Avery. Have you ever played that game? You have to get your playmates to say a word, but you cannot say the list of words they put on the card as clues. And THESE are the words most of us would use, so it makes it very challenging.

I was concerned about having the girls play, because they are a bit young and I didn't want them to get frustrated and walk off in a huff.

Well, can I just say you should NEVER underestimate their little minds? EVER! I found irony in the fact that Julie was mad because "I" had one extra person on my team. I'm dealing with midgets and we are kicking the 'elders' arses. I was so proud of my girls that they just shot out the answers.

Once again, the only limitations were in my mind. I clearly underestimated my children. But I also knew them well enough in a way that I could give them obscure clues that led them to the correct words.

I found such humor in watching Julie and Mom get frustrated. It really was the exact opposite of the scenario I thought I would be dealing with. My mom plays crossword puzzles for gosh sakes, the woman knows her words!

But it isn't just about the words, it is about knowing your team mates and the way their minds work.

We decided to switch it up and let me be the clue giver. Apparently I have a gift in this department and it 'evened' the odds. As I know every one of the players very well, and how their brains tick, I knew how to deliver the clues to get them to the answer.

I am so glad that I didn't hold myself back in this one. It was such an ironic turn out, you think I would have learned by now. I constantly hold myself back on things because I think too much.

I need to train myself to stand back and let things happen more. My kids are so capable, and my denying them shortchanges their chances to shine and grow and challenge themselves.

Not only that, many times I say no on myself. I stop myself before I get started. I think it is an innate trait I was born with.

Yesterday on my walk with my mom, we talked about motivation. It is not something I have, yet something I work very hard towards. I have to look forward to the benefits in order to get me going.

I feel like I live in a box of comfort and don't want to venture out. But there are rewards in venturing, and I am realizing it more and more. When you limit yourself, that is one thing, but when you limit your kids, that is training them to stay inside to the box too, and I don't want to do that.

There, in lies my motivation.

Happy Monday!

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