Saturday, August 6, 2011

Modern Day Conveniences

I was struck by the multiple comments I heard this week from people following me on facebook and how busy I am.  It is true, as of late, my husband has had to make appointments to see me.

I was thinking this morning about a couple of those ladies, and I realized that much of the stuff I do, is made easier with modern day conveniences. 

This morning I made 18 muffins over two batches, and it was done in a matter of minutes (minus baking time) thanks to my Kitchenaid Stand Mixer.  That thing is like GOLD to me.  I wouldn't likely bake as much without it. 

As I was cleaning up some messes, I had handy wipes available.  Now, I don't have to go search for the bottle of cleaner, it's all in a wipe. 

Everything we have today is packaged and ready to go.  I do believe that is actually a problem with our society.  We are so bogged with conveniences that when hard work hits us (like how they used to do it in the "old days") we are crippled by inability, or just downright laziness.

When Aspen was born, mom was telling me how she used to have cloth diapers and told me stories about how they dealt with poopie diapers.  If my husband had to deal with the old days, he would have turned in our daughter right then and there!!! 

I do believe I am one of the few people among my friends who doesn't have a cleaning lady come.  I honestly didn't have the time to clean my house before they came to clean my house.  So it is what it is.  If you think I am busy  and the shoe has to drop somewhere, well - ya got me!

Our society has changed so much and I believe in some ways that it is the conveniences that have crippled many of our youth.  Because people have cleaners come, they don't have to learn how to deal with things like dust and baseboards, and fan blades.  It's all done for them.

When I went to clean that house, there was no electricity and running water.  You want a challenge?  Put yourself in that situation!  We had to bring in gallon jugs of water to clean, and we swept the carpet floor with a broom.  I got a good workout in that day!

So, though my schedule appears to be busy, I have to agree, it is made easier by modern day conveniences.    That said, as I write, my kids are scrubbing their bathroom before we leave on our jaunt.  They are complaining less, because I am asking them to do more on a regular basis.  This is new for all of us, but it's becoming a good habit.  I am finding (as my mother says) many hands make light work. 

And if my kids complain about the task they are given, I will give them a nastier task to deal with.  But thankfully, so far so good!

One of the ladies I work with told me a story about her husbands family.  She raised a lot of kids and her motto was "Everone works". 

I witnessed it with my sisters kids.  Every time she comes here, my kids are raised to a new level of standards.  She (and her hubby) are doing an amazing job with their kids!  They are self sufficient, confident and do things without being asked.  They have a sense of pride about themselves that many kids nowadays are lacking.  There truly is a price of privelege that needs to be looked at in our society. 

That said, I'm realizing the balance of everything I am doing.  Though I appreciate the modern day conveniences, I will do my best to realize where I came from and teach my kids about hard work and the benefits of a job well done!  I feel very positive about the direction my family is going.  We are working together and that makes my life a bit easier.  But not only that, it makes me proud!

Don't forget to look where you came from to see where you are going!!
Happy Saturday!

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