Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Running and then some

Have you ever heard someone talk for three straight miles????  I have.  And, I have a lot to say about it.

Yesterday I spent some time with my niece - and in doing so, she missed out on the run that her mom, brother and dad took.  These are hard core trainers.  My nephew is on the Norwegian handball team, my sister is a pilates and jazzercise instructor and her run numerous marathons and complained about her FOUR HOURS every time, swearing she can do better.  As for my brother in law....he's hard core no matter what he does.

So needless to say, I felt bad about her missing her training.  She is 15 years old and though she would happily run by herself, she was really disappointed she missed her family.

So....she did the next (well not best) thing; she started hitting me up. 

I started getting really nervous.  I'm excited when I maintain a 13 minute mile!  She's probably at 8.  I am clearly the booby prize for her.  So I did what any good aunt would do.  I offered to NOT run with her.

But she really didn't want to run alone, so she kept pushing me.  I expressed my fear (not concern, but fear), that she would push me so hard, I would lose my dinner.  (she was not intimidated at all.  Did I mention she was hard core?)

Finally, I yielded.  (well...she threatened my life, but whatever).

As we pulled into Albertson's parking lot and started walking toward the lake, it started.  She talked.  I didn't think much of it, but she said something to me that struck home,  "Are you thinking that you wish you weren't here right now?"  I chuckled, because the answer was YES!

Then we started jogging.  I decided to take the downhill side first.  I run faster down hill, and it will feel like we are at a good pace so I don't feel like a shlub.

She said, "This is a good pace...is it a good pace for you?"  Yes-as long as we're at a 90 degree angle (in my head).

Then she started telling me the way her mom would coach her when they are jogging, and how annoying it is.  "Stand up straight, just let your arms hang, relax your shoulders...oh, I see you slouching, up straight up straight" (or something like that).  I laughed, because I could easily hear these words out of my sisters mouth; my niece nailed her perfectly.  But why not - they are the same.

As we rounded the lake and I had to take a few 'quick' walk breaks, I found myself pushing harder than I normally would.  I knew this was good; I needed to break out of my comfort (well- lazy) zone.

I had such fears about being uncomfortable lately, as though the discomfort will kill me.   But something was more in the forefront that I couldn't deny......pride!!!!

I wasn't gonna let my niece talk about how pathetic I was and how I'd given up after a few paces.  No way.  I was going to make this little girl proud. 

As we got into our second mile, I was feeling a bit fatigued.  But I pressed on.  She talked to me about training, and intervals, and how she talks so much, because it takes her mind off the boredom of running.

She talked about pushing herself to the next level and how she sets goals for herself, and once she does that; it's as good as accomplished.

As she talked, I could hear both her mothers and fathers influences in her life.  Her dad is the hard core, feel no pain sort of person.  Her mom is the feel the pain and do it anyway, because there is a light at the end of the tunnel person.  Two similar and strong personalities in one beautiful, strong and determined 15 year old girl.  I couldn't stop smiling as she talked my ear off.  I wanted to stop and pick it up, but was afraid she would beat me.  So, I kept running.

As we approached the hill, over by Tortilla flats (plugged for the locals), I told her I would walk a minute.  She told me she would run up the hill and meet me at the top.  As I started walking, I felt the need to meet up with her, so I ran as hard as I could to almost the top.  I heard her screaming for me, "Go Aunt Cathy, you can do it!  You are doing great!!!!"  I was encouraged to push harder and nearly lose dinner. 

When I reached her, she said, "Good Job"......and continued talking.  This time she talked about how she was going to hack into my blog and write about this experience.  For the next half mile, she explained in detail, all the happenings of the last 2.5 miles.  And she ended it with, "and I don't know how I'll end it, because we haven't finished yet".  I couldn't stop chuckling.  She's like the energizer bunny. 

At my slow paces, she started doing quick steps and side steps to get extra workouts in.  She had my head spinning.  While I was focusing on merely finishing, she was trying to add more stuff in.  God bless her, I say!!!

As we approached the end, she coached me in.  "Let's pick up the speed, lets take it in strong, lets just start going faster and faster and faster....."  I saw our finish line - the checkered flag, if you will.  I ran towards it ready to be done.  As we approached, I was steps behind her, I was so excited that I survived....and then she did something I wasn't expecting.  As I was slowing down, she said, "Keep going...let's go past it?"  WHAT??????????  The hell you say!!!

But I did.

We went a little further down the hill and ran a little back up to finish strong.  And finish we did.

Now, she was telling me how good I felt.  And I couldn't argue with her, because I had no breath left.  But she was right.  I surpassed my expectations; came in at an 11 minute mile, felt good, and dare I say.....I may do it again!

I love you Anne Christine!!!

1 comment:

  1. I laughed!! as a friend (running-partner) of Maureen,A-C` mother, I could almost hear her talking ;o) I love how you write! And keep up the good running :D
