Saturday, June 4, 2011

Happiness again

The house is quiet. Everyone is still asleep. I wish I was too. We have a big day planned. Aspen and Avery will be having their dance competition. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out.

Aspen just returned from camp. She will be pretty tired. She couldn't stop hugging me last night. I could tell she was glad to be home.

We talked all about her trip. She told me where she bunked, who was next to her, who slept above her. I found out her camp counselors name, and that on one of the night hikes, they chewed wintergreen Lifesavers, and watched them spark. My eyes got big as she told me this, because I did the same thing when I went to camp. It was such a great moment in my life, to get to live to see my daughter experience what I had gone through. It was so great.

While she was there, she received many letters. She was surprised, because she had no expectations of whether or not she would receive any. What a nice surprise for her.

One thing she did tell me was that she wished she had brought some pictures of us on her trip. Because when she opened my letter, and saw the pictures I printed on my note, she started to cry bit. Poor thing.

Though I worried about her, I knew she would be fine. I knew that she would be immersed in activities and learning, and be hard pressed to have time to actually miss us. But, miss us she did. And I am glad.

She asked me if I had missed my family when I went, and I told her that I honestly couldn't remember. My memories were all so good, I don't remember the bad ones.

I told her it was time for bed, but she was reluctant to go. It was as if she was so excited to be home, she didn't want to ruin it with sleep. Or worse yet....a slight fear that when she woke up, she wouldn't be home again.

She hugged me and kissed me a million times. And I held her a bit longer too. She had a right of passage this week (okay, dramatic, but not to me), and I am so glad I got to see her grow just a bit more.

I anticipate more hugs this week, and I will accept them all, and maybe initiate a few myself. For soon, the hugs may be coming less in the upcoming years, so I must take advantage while I have the chance. And as write my last line, she has come downstairs, planted herself on my lap....and her arms are around my neck.

I am going to return the favor.
Happy Saturday!

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