Saturday, June 11, 2011

dance dance dance.....

Last night I finished buying all necessary items (tights, hair nets, garment bags, bobby pins, .....oh..and did I mention shoes???  Cha-ching.......) to complete the costumes for upcoming recital. 

Have you ever felt pride after exasperation?

As I put all the costumes together, followed every instruction, on every sheet from every teacher; tacked down skirts, fixed hats, labeled everything (And I mean EVERYTHING), I was left with ...... bags everywhere!

BUT...they were all organized.  If you pick up a costume, you know exactly what is in it, who's class it belongs to, which Cast it goes to, their picture date and time, and the contents in the bag that completes the costume.

I'm talking Organized, here!!!

I still consider myself a newbie to this whole dance thing.  I have only been doing it for 7 years.  The first year I had to send my kids to recital, nothing was in bags, nothing labeled, everything was willy nilly and my kids inevitably were missing something. 

Last year, when I put my kids into more than one dance, the words, "Quick Change" emerged.  I had no idea what that was, or what it involved.  So as I delivered Avery backstage, they asked, "Where's her quick change instructions?"  I looked bewildered at the person asking me this question.  I had no idea I needed to instruct anyone of anything.  I figured Avery would guide them...right?  She's 7......she can talk.....oy vey........

Well, let's leave it at her bun didn't get exactly where it was supposed to go, and pieces were missing from her costume.   BUT.....she danced like a champ, and only a few of the regulars knew the difference.  And I'm sure they talked about "that mom".  

Live and learn. 

This year, on dance team, I personally believe they should start you out with a mentor.  Someone to help you "not" do, on your journey to competitions. 

Now, competitions are different than recital.  For competitions, I am there, in the back, helping out.

Recital is a whole different ball game.

We have 3 casts for the studio.  That means for me.....I have 3 casts, for two kids and 9 costumes over 6 days.  (Don't you think that requires a mentor?)

With each costume change, there is a hair change.  If you are going from ballet to tap, you will have to go from a low bun to crazy ponytails.  (Did I mention, my kids don't really do hair???)

I mentioned a few days ago about feeling bad that I can't keep up enough with myself, let alone alert the grandparents....are ya feelin' me yet???

As my day came to a close yesterday, I got to pack up my stuff and head to a wedding rehearsal.  It's going to be a busy weekend!

Today is also picture day, so it's time to put on the costumes and do the hair and put on the makeup.  Only, I won't be here.  I need to hand that duty off to my husband and mother in law.  So, I will be delegating and hoping for the best. 

It's an awful thing to have to hand off your duties to someone else.  For though they are willing, it is still a tug at your heartstrings that you should be the one taking care of everything.

However....on the flip side; I am so grateful to have people in my life to help care for my children.  So many times I think about all the children in my life and how we all pinch hit for each other and I remember the age old saying and know it's truth.....

It takes a village!

Happy Saturday!

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