Monday, June 13, 2011

It is what it is....

It is crunch week.  I have a lot to do and a very little amount of time to do it. 

I am totally feeling the pressure this week.  I know I will somehow get through it, but I'm not exactly sure how.

However; if history dictates itself correctly, then I will somehow gather a plan, and get it all done!  OR.....lower my expectations.  I'm good at both.

I learned this weekend, with my phone (I'm gonna say it) being stolen, that we can change our paradigm as a form of self preservation.

If I wanted to lose my mind and scream at my friend (who was holding the phone for me), I could have.   But, to what end?   It wouldn't solve anything.  It wouldn't find my phone.  And we would have both felt like crap.  (worse than we did).

Though I knew I may never see my phone again, I was more concerned with things like pictures that were missing, or texts with pertinent information.  And I was most saddedned that their are dishonest people in the world, who can look at a phone and equate it with a "score" that they found something.  Finders keepers as it were.

As I drove from the wedding (where the phone was a church....don't get me started), to the reception, I quickly realized that I didn't have my phone to call anyone.  I was driving separate from my friend, and we were going to follow each other to the reception. 
I saw the bride and groom drive by in their Porsche (rented), and my friend wasn't behind me yet.  And I couldn't call her.....and then I panicked, because I wanted to get some pictures of the bride and groom in their car, but needed to convey this to my friend.  I didn't know what to do! 

So, I took off. 

I am, afterall, the photographer.  I have all my equipment, and the bride and groom look so cute in their Porsche, I followed them immediately. 

As I realized I didn't have my phone; a strange thing happened.  I was at peace.  There was not one person who could contact me inside my car while I was driving.  (aside from God).  I was completely inaccessible.  I dare say, I realized that the world wouldn't crumble around me.  That I could nudge anyone in any group in any setting and say, "Hey...I lost my phone, can I borrow yours to call my husband?" and  it would be done. 

If you are an adult without a cell phone; you are an anomoly. 

I decided to revel in that peace, and enjoy the quiet.  It was actually a very nice feeling. 

It was a total paradigm shift in my brain.  I just went with it.  And it felt good. 

I realized that resisting what is can be futile.  If there is nothing you can do about literally nothing.....why get your nickers in a twist?  True, sometimes things can be very upsetting; but if you find a way to get through it, you will realize you will indeed survive and a new day will dawn.

As for my to do list; if I know I have given it my best; and I have to lower my expectations, I'll do it.  But....I'm going to gather my list together and check off as many things as I can; and go with that!!!! is what it is!

Happy Monday!

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